March 29, 1887 Tuesday 

March 29 Tuesday – In Boston, William Dean Howells wrote to Sam:

It has just dawned on me that you may be coming to Boston to-morrow — the day before the circus. In that case we all want you to put up here! / Telegraph![MTHL 2: 588-9;MTP].

Ellen Louise Chandler Moulton wrote from Boston that since Sam was going to be in the Authors’ Reading on Thursday and might stay over Friday; if so, would he please visit? She would have a “large number of pleasant people, among them Miss Eastlake, who is commended to me by London friends” [MTP]. Note: Moulton (1835-1908), Boston literary correspondent of the New York Tribune. A Miss Eastlake appeared in a London play by Mr. G.R. Sims, The Golden Ladder [The Dramatic Year (1887-88) Edward Fuller, ed. (1888)]. Gribben, p.644 lists a book for George Robert Sims (1847-1922), published by Webster & Co. (1891).

Rev. William J. Tilley wrote from Brandon Vt., thanking Sam for his “charming (and characteristic) note.” Sam wrote on the envelope, “Autograph” [MTP]. Note: Tilley had sent copy of his book Mar. 21.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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