August 23, 1887 Tuesday

August 23 Tuesday – In Elmira Sam wrote to Charles Webster about Yewell’s etching of the room where Grant died, and its possible inclusion with sales of Grant’s Memoirs. It was up to Webster and he could simply write Howells yes or no. Sam also reminded Webster to send proofs of Library of Humor to Howells.

His introduction will be a valuable addition, whether he signs it or not [MTP].

Sam’s letter, which he began June 10 in Hartford was sent to Webster & Co. The rub was between Sam and Houghton & Co over rights of material that was to appear in the Library of Humor.

(This is as far as I got, in a blast at Houghton, Syphillis & Co. designed for publication. But it would not do to print what I was going to say.) [¶]

Let me hear what they want to charge. If they crowd me too hard, I will use the matter without their consent, & let them sue for “exemplary” damages. But I should want this purpose kept private until our book was out.

Sam added that if there were no selections from Howells’ books, they must have Charles Hopkins Clark include some, “at once” [MTLTP 226].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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