February 9, 1891 Monday

February 9 Monday – In Hartford Sam wrote a simple and short reminder of the option given to Senator John P. Jones on Aug. 13, 1890, and of its expiration four days hence, or Feb. 13. First he wrote a “copy in substance” in his notebook [MTNJ 3: 602].

Therefore, won’t you please send me a note or telegram to tell me what I may count on? [MTP].

Sam continued to work on chapter one of The American Claimant [Feb. 10 to Howells]. Note: This was a narrative revision of the same general situation that Howells and Sam had spent so much effort on to no avail. The novel would appear in serial form in several of the McClure Syndicate newspapers from Feb. 1892 to Jan. 1983, and issued in book form in 1892.

Frederick J. Hall wrote that he was:

…just in receipt of a very pleasant letter from Mr. Stanley, in which he says he would like very much to take advantage of our offer but that he is precluded …by a clause in his contract which says — “In Darkest Africa” shall not be superceded or paralleled by any other publication from me [MTP].

James W. Paige wrote that he had “seen Mr. Batterson as you requested in your note of the 7th inst., and was no more successful than you were.” Paige regretted Sam’s avowal not to make any more efforts to negotiate, and used direct language to remind him that his “right to purchase the assignment as set forth in our agreement of August 13th, 1890 expires absolutely Feb. 13th, 1891, but I think that Mr. Jones should be reminded of this in consideration of the misunderstanding you have had with him” [MTP].

Editor of Surrogate Magazine, N.Y. wrote asking Sam to contribute on “Experiences in Having a Will Made” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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