Submitted by scott on

February 23 MondayMary Mapes Dodge invited Sam and Livy to dinner at her New York City home. Since Livy was ill and in bed, the invitation was likely declined [MTNJ 3: 603n100; Feb 24 to Howells].

Arthur Duffuer in Furtwangen, Black Forest, Germany wrote a short note to Sam — in German, writing he would be “fortunate to own a few lines written by your hand” [MTP]. Note: Thanks to Holger Kersten for the translation.

Henry C. Robinson wrote to Sam: “This note just came in. I suspect C.H.C.” (Charles H. Clark) The note: “The Farmers.” IN WAR THEY / STOOD / AND FIRED THE SHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD / IN PEACE THEY / STAND / AND FIRE THE COWTIRD ‘ROUND THE LAND. [MTP].

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.