September 8, 1891 Tuesday

September 8 Tuesday – From Sept. 1 to 10 the Clemens party spent part of the time traveling through Nuremburg, and part of the time at Heidelberg at their old apartment in the Schloss Hotel. Willis writes, “They stayed a few days in Heidelberg for Livy to show Katy the town she had long admired as a picture hanging on Livy’s wall. Years ago in Hartford, Livy had told Katy, ‘I hope before I die, that I shall be able to take you right up there on that mountain so you’ll see it too, just as I have’” [192; Lawton180].

Katy Leary in her reminiscences dictated:

“So we went and they took me up to the Castle and then we stopped at that wonderful Schloss Hotel, and the first thing Mr. Clemens did he took me out to the front of the hotel (‘twas build way up on a hill, you know). ‘Because,’ he says, ‘Katy, I want to show you a string of diamonds — the most beautiful string of diamonds on the whole world,’ he says. And so he took me out there to the open, and looking down there was rows and rows of these pretty little gas lights — all down that hill — two rows of them — glittering and sparkling and flashing in the night. And, oh! it did look just like a string of diamonds. It was a great sight, and Mr. Clemens he loved that” [Lawton 180].

After their brief stay (Rodney says two days [136]; Sam’s notebooks say arrival Sept. 2,. departure Sept. 5) at the Schloss, they continued on to Lucerne, Brienz, and Interlaken, where Sam wrote on Sept. 10 [MTB 923].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.