September 15, 1891 Tuesday

September 15 Tuesday – In Geneva, Switzerland Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall, complaining, “For the first time our mails have failed & gone utterly to the devil.” Upon arrival the night before Sam did find Hall’s letter of two weeks prior, however (not extant). Sam told of spending time with Dr. Charles Waldstein while in Marienbad (see Aug. 24 entry), and thought McClure might want Waldstein to write for the syndicate — would Hall find out and let Sam know? He also reported he’d finished the fourth letter for McClure and was half done with the fifth letter, though his arm threatened “to quit work for good.” Sam was concerned about whether the $12,000 back royalties he’d sold on the Paige typesetter needed payment of interest, and if so could it be paid half-yearly or altered to that. As to Hall’s reports,

The state of the business rejoices me, & I hope you will lose your bet & charge two-thirds of the cost to me [MTLTP 283].

Sam then wrote to Dr. Charles Waldstein that he had “proceeded in the matter [of Waldstein writing for McClure’s Syndicate] through my partner in New York, who is discreet.” Sam referred to the matter as Waldstein’s idea. He thanked Waldstein’s brother and laid “homage at the feet of your mother” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.