September 30, 1891 Wednesday

September 30 Wednesday – At Arles, France Sam wrote a short note to Livy.

To Mrs. Clemens, in Ouchy, Switzerland:

ARLES, Sept. 30, noon.

Livy darling, I haint got no time to write to-day, because I am sight-seeing industriously & imagining my chapter.

Bade good-bye to the river trip & gave away the boat yesterday evening. We had ten great days in her.

We reached here after dark. We were due about 4.30, counting by distance, but we couldn’t calculate on such a lifeless current as we found.

I love you, sweetheart. / SAML [MTLP 557-8].

Meanwhile, in Ouchy, Lausanne, Livy wrote to Sam:

My darling: Your letter [written Sept. 28] rec’d this morning was delightful. I should so like to have seen your great Napoleon faced mountain. What a beautiful trip you hae had, your letters give most delightful pictures of it. …

I shall be ready to start toward Berlin on Monday [Oct. 5], but I think it is a little too far a journey to go through from Basle to B. in one day, however that we can see. Now Sue is very anxious to go over the Brunig again. Sue says she would rather do that and fix it in her mind than to see anything new. Sue would take Susy and Joseph with her. But of course she is in a state of mind about taking Joseph away from us [The Twainian Jan-Feb 1977 p.3].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.