February 21, 1893 Tuesday

February 21 TuesdayFrank Bliss of American Publishing Co. wrote to Sam proposing a cheaper edition of his Sketches New and Old, paying him a ten per cent royalty on it. [MTP; Mar.8 to Bliss].

February, mid and last weekSusy Clemens finished a letter during “the last days of February” to Louise Brownell. It was a long letter, probably written over a two week period from mid-month. In part:

Florence has been gay lately. Lina and I have been to two balls within the last three weeks which is gay for me. The last one was the social event of the season — the ball of Princess Corsini given in the picture gallery of the Corsini palace which is open in this way but once a year….I was glad to go principally because I knew it would be very Italian and characteristic and so interesting that the Italian dancing is frightful….the young duke of Aosta was there and Herbert Bismarck. The great dance was our American waltz which they call over here, the “Boston.” ….We didn’t stop dancing till six o’clock in the morning!

The other thing which I am pretty sure I didn’t write you about was our meeting Salvini. Lina and papa and I met him out at dinner shortly before the ball. He impressed me with his personality infinitely more than any one I have ever met….Papa couldn’t talk to him for he doesn’t speak French but committed two or three nice little phrases to say to him which he evidently forgot the moment Salvini appeared for an introduction. They made each other ellaborate and enthusiastic compliments each in his own tongue which the other didn’t understand. It was such a funny meeting! and cunning too for they made up for the lack of a common language by giving one another affectionate little pats and embraces. Well I am fated never to get this letter off. I began about a week ago and have been interrupted twice.

This letter is growing to be everlasting. Do you know it seems past belief but spring is actually at our doors now in these last days of February! We have been taking our tea out on the terrace again….Jean and I walk in the early mornings and gather the first wild violets [Cotton 101206-12].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.