April 2, 1893 Sunday

April 2 Sunday – Sam was en route on the Kaiser Wilhelm II to New York. The Brooklyn Eagle ran a squib for Sam’s new book:

The £1,000,000 Bank Note — by Mark Twain, just published, at $1.00, one vol., cloth; store price, 65c.

Meanwhile, in Venice, Italy, Livy wrote to Sam:

Youth Darling how I wish that you were here with us this morning. It is absolutely glorious. Oh Venice is a charmer! I love it so, and yet it is often very melancholy.

We have Antonio and we are extremely well cared for here in the hotel, so everything is as pleasant as possible. I am reading Mr. Howells “Venetian Life” and delighting in it. It is a most charming book. I should think he would so often long to get back here. I hope you will see them while you are in New York.

I have been to see my glass of course and it is very beautiful. ..

We rec’d your letters from Genoa yesterday and extremely happy were we to get them. …

…I must stop now and get ready to go in the gondola with Jean. With Deepest Love, Yours Always, Livy. Be sure & see Mrs. Taft and give her my love [The Twainian Nov-Dec 1977 p.2-3]. Note: the letter was postmarked rec’d in N.Y. on Apr. 13; by then Sam had left N.Y. for Chicago.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.