April 10, 1893 Monday

April 10 Monday – Sam’s notebook in N.Y.

Monday noon, Apl. 10. /At the Paige Compositor “(Connecticut Co.,” 18th & Broadway till 2.30 / Fifty machines well along in building. One will be finished July 1. / Present capacity of factory, 1 machine a day. / Factory to be built when location decided upon, 5 machines a day. / Considering proposition of $15,000,000 Land Co — 1 hour from Chicago. They offer to give the Conn. Co. $2,000,000 of their bonds, all the land they need & $5,000,000 cash if they will build the factory on their land. This proposition is in writing [NB 33 TS 6].

In the evening Sam dined at Delmonico’s with John Brisben Walker and Arthur S. Hardy. He wrote of it the next day (Apr. 11) to Howells:

I had a good time last night….I believe I had never met Walker before; I conceived a strong liking for him [Apr. 11 to Howells; MTP].

Note: Walker was at this time Howell’s co-worker and editor on the Cosmopolitan; Hardy was a regular contributor to the magazine, and an engineer and diplomat [MTHL 2: 652n3,4].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.