September 21, 1895 Saturday

September 21 Saturday – In Sydney, Australia, Sam gave the second performance of “Mark Twain at Home” No. 2 at a filled Protestant Hall on Castlereagh St. Shillingsburg estimates Sam grossed about £300 from each Protestant Hall performance [At Home 52].

Reviews published on Sept. 23: Sydney Morning Herald, the Daily Telegraph, the Australian Star, and the Sydney Evening News. Louis Becke’s int., “A Talk About His Books,” ran in the Evening News, p.3 [Shillingsburg, “Down Under” 8].

Livy and Clara attended the Australian Jockey Club’s annual spring derby at Randwick with Miss Carter and Vice-Regal party of Victoria (Maddens). Clara recorded that the family also attended polo matches [MFMT 144]. Shillingsburg notes they may have seen a horse named “Mark Twain” place third in the steeplechase [At Home 51].

September 21-24 Tuesday – Shillingsburg notes: “Family lunched with Sir Henry Parkes probably sometime between Sept. 21-24…Twain is supposed to have ‘spent many pleasant hours during his too-short stay’ fishing with J.F. Archibald at his Cronulla cottage” [“Down Under” 8]. (Editorial emphasis.)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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