September 30, 1895 Monday

September 30 Monday – Sam gave a Melbourne performance of “Mark Twain At Home” (No.2) lecture at the Bijou Theatre on Bourke St. Harry Foster sat on stage due to an overflow crowd. Sam included his “Australian Poem.” 

Reviews of the lecture published on Oct. 1: Age; Argus; Melbourne Evening News; and Melbourne Herald; On Oct. 5 by Advocate [Shillingsburg, “Down Under” 11-12].

This may have been the day that Sam, Livy and Clara had photographs made by Falk Photographers. On Oct. 3 he wrote to H. Walter Barnett of the Melbourne Co. objecting to the display of Livy and Clara’s photograph. See entry.

Louis Becke wrote to Sam from Pfahlert’s Hotel in Sydney, Australia:

Many thanks for your kind and encouraging letter. I need not tellyou how I will value it, and also how very much I appreciate the kindly words you have said about my future

I am sending you another little book in a few days, and Fisher Unwin of London will also send you a collaborated novel of mine called “A First Fleet Family” which he writes me is issuing about 28th of this month… I feel quite sure that you have forgiven me that interview; however like one of Captain Marryat’s characters says in “Midshipman Easy” “it was such a little one” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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