February 3, 1896 Monday

February 3 Monday – The Clemens party arrived in Allahabad:

We arrived in the forenoon, and short-handed; for Satan [their servant] got left behind somewhere that morning, and did not overtake us until after nightfall. It seemed very peaceful without him. The world seemed asleep and dreaming.

I did not see the native town, I think. I do not remember why….But I saw the English part of the city. It is a town of wide avenues and noble distances, and is comely and alluring, and full of suggestions of comfort and leisure, and of the serenity which a good conscience buttressed by a sufficient bank account gives [FE ch XLIX 465-6].

His servant missing, Sam wired the Station Master in Maikpur (he crossed out G.F. Kellner & Co.).

Kindly forward my detained servant by next train. M.T. [MTP].

At 9:30 p.m. Sam gave his “At Home” (No. 1) lecture “to a packed house” at the Railway Club Theatre in Allahabad. His servant “Satan” arrived at 11 p.m. He’d been taken into custody for trying to board the train while it was moving. Sam went to the A.W.P. Club (probably the Allahabad Press Club) at 11:30 p.m. to leave his card but no one was there [Ahluwalia 12; NB 36 TS 35].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.