February 23, 1896 Sunday

February 23 Sunday – Sam’s notebook in Lucknow:

Drove with Major and Mrs. Aylmer (16th Lancers) & Capt. & Mrs. Dallas, in the regimental drag (4 horses) over the whole of Colin Campbell’s March, & also out to the Imam Bara….[NB 36 TS 50-1].

The Residency ruins are draped with flowering vines, and are impressive and beautiful. They and the grounds are sacred now, and will suffer no neglect nor be profaned by any sordid or commercial use while the British remain masters of India. Within the grounds are buried the dead who gave up their lives in the long siege [FE ch LIX 567].

Was dined by the United Service in the ancient & elegant Chutter Munzil palace (Umbrella Palace) — very large — it is the Club’s sumptuous home. In my speech quoted what Wolcott said lately in the Senate about England [NB 36 TS 50-1].

The Allahabad Pioneer reported on the dinner, about which Parsons writes, “he made a speech and sat beside a forty-one year old survivor of the siege” [“MT India” 90].

A most enthusiastic banquet was held at the Chutter Munzil Club last night [Feb. 22] in honour of Mark Twain. The toasts of the Queen, the President of the U.S. and the distinguished guest were given in succession by the Honorary Secretary of the Club, General Corrie-Bird, and Sir John Tyler, in most felicitous speeches. Mark Twain replied to both the latter toasts in his customary humourous style. The party did not break up until a very late hour [Allahabad Pioneer, Feb. 26; Ahwaluia 17].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.