February 29, 1896 Saturday

February 29 Saturday – At 10 p.m. the Clemens party left Agra and traveled 140 miles to Jaipur. Sam’s notebook:

Feb. 29. Mr. Achlom [Aklom] & wife & 2 dau; they live in Ajmir

At noon, gave Mouza a note to carry to Smythe & bring an answer, & told him he could consider himself discharged at 7 this evening. He laid his fingers against his forehead as usual, made the usual inclination, said “wair good” (very good), just as he always does when receiving an order, — & that was all. It was pathetic….

We paid to Goa man Rs 30 per month, this one 40. People say it is too much. A house servants wages is Rs 7 a month, & he supports & clothes & feeds himself & family on it.

The new man is a Mahommedan named Sahadeath Kahn. Speaks good English.

Mouza had apparently a bad attack of fever in Lucknow before he got drunk. Livy was full of compassion & gave him a teaspoonful of liquid hellfire — quinine. Six hours later he turned up & she offered him another dose. He said gravely, “Scoose me — no sick no more” [NB 36 TS 54].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.