January 9, 1898 Sunday

January 9 Sunday – At the Hotel Metropole in Vienna, Livy wrote for Sam to Walter Bliss, replying to Bliss’ Dec. 24 (not extant). Sam verified a quotation on p.619. Receipt of six books was acknowledged; the Clemenses were “very glad the sale of the book has been satisfactory” [MTP].

William Dean Howells wrote to Sam after receiving one of Sam’s 50 printed “In Memoriam” poems with a large picture of Susy Clemens.

Two days ago came the beautiful picture of your Susie with her heavenly face and her eyes of angel innocence. They affect me as the eyes of Winny sometimes did: with the error and the wrong that every man’s life seems to include, I am afraid to look in them, and think of what I am. …

All last summer I was meaning to write to you, but I stupidly hoped that some chance would bring us together, and we might talk out all that was in us, as we used to do in those glorious days when I went to Hartford or you came to Cambridge. But it did not happen, and now the ocean is between us again. …

Of course, I am tugging away at the old root. I have just finished one novel, and am starting another. I suppose neither will convulse the world….

We have all rejoiced in Clara’s triumph; her gift I knew, and I am glad it has been recognized by the highest authority in her art.

I hear that your latest work is succeeding splendidly, and I have lately heard people talking proudly and gladly of your rehabilitation in the business line. …[MTHL 2: 667-9].

Notes: Howells and wife had spent July through October in Carlsbad, Germany and in traveling in Germany and Holland while the Clemenses were in Switzerland. Howells’ latest novel was Ragged Lady, to be serialized in Harper’s Bazar beginning on July 2; the one he was starting was Their Silver Wedding Journey (1899). Howells had been lecturing under James Pond’s management. The congratulations for Clara referred to her being accepted as a pupil by Theodor Leschetizky. FE had quickly sold 30,000 copies [n1-9]. Sam replied on Jan 22.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.