March 7, 1898 Monday

March 7 Monday – At the Hotel Metropole in Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers.

The copies of the letters from creditors arrived to-day—first in the list the Mount Morris release, and I was very glad to see that. Mr. Dodd clothed it in boiler-iron! All right, I shall be very glad to “let you raise questions” with the Mt. Morris when it comes to further payments. I believe you will find that there are some quite legitimate questions to raise.

Though a few loose ends were left in hauling him out of debt, all claims were essentially settled at this point. Sam related Livy’s happiness at the development:

“Mrs. Clemens has been reading the creditors’ letters over and over again, and thanks you deeply for sending them, and says this is the only really happy day she has had since Susy died.”

Sam also shared that Bram Stoker had agreed to be Sam’s dramatic agent in England and perhaps in America:

…and I asked him because I was ashamed to ask you to potter with it. He has not said he would act for America, and I hope he will decline; for if you don’t mind, I would rather have you for dramatic agent than any other expert in the business, I don’t care where he hails from.

On a first reading he doesn’t much believe in my play, but says he is going to examine it more closely. I was very near getting hold of a rattling good German play the other day, but Augustin Daly heard of it first and got in ahead of me. I must wake up. There will be other chances [MTHHR 323-5]. Note: though not specified, Sam had been working on two comedy plays in collaboration with Siegmund Schlesinger, The Lady Goldminer, and The Opposition Candidate, or Women Politicians. See Jan. 20 entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.