June 10, 1898 Friday

June 10 Friday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers.

“I enclose with this a full authority from Mrs. Clemens to act for her with Bliss in regard to the books. “I would like Bliss to engage to furnish and ship to Chatto a de luxe edition at about cost.”

Sam also wanted Chatto to be able to buy only as many deluxe editions of his Uniform works as he “has a sure market for,” as he would act as Sam’s agent and take a ten percent royalty for his services.

I have lost Bliss’s letter, but I remember that his scheme was so gorgeous that it took my interest out of peat wool. I wonder what has wakened him up! In any case now is the time to work the market—for by & by there won’t be any market. I want him to pull his Klondyke in and materialize it, for I want to be able to come and die at home. Funerals are too expensive here for my means.

Sam expressed gratitude and again urged the Rogers to come to visit, this time to take the “cold-water-cure,” which had “an immense reputation” [MTHHR 350]. Note: A. Hoffman writes,

“Both Jean and Livy engaged in the strenuous local cure of early rising, plunging into cold water, followed by calisthenics and another plunge, all before breakfast”[423].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.