July 9, 1898 Saturday

July 9 Saturday – At the Villa Paulhof Whitmore (his not extant): in Kaltenleutgeben, Austria, Sam replied to Franklin G.

“O come, what a cuss you are! What use can I make of letters 6 months old? Some of them needed immediate answers. Don’t treat me like that anymore. In the immediate cases, send the man a post-card to say I am traveling in China…”

Sam was glad that the $1,744 old bill from Pratt & Whitney (for designing a Chicago factory) was “likely to be withdrawn.” He pointed out that P&W “made a lot of special tools ($6,000 worth, Paige said)” which Sam paid for and Paige added to the Webster plant in Chicago. He also had some Hartford visitors:

A.C. Dunham & Dr. Parker spent the best part of 3 days with us last week, & this family hasn’t had such a good time in 8 years. We sapped them dry & tuckered them out; but no matter, it was heaven for us, anyway. They were here when news came of the destruction of Cervera’s fleet. / With love to you all…[MTP]. Note: Austin Cornelius Dunham (1833-1917), (usually only A.C. Dunham); Dr. Edwin Pond Parker (1836-1925). The Spanish Admiral Pascual Cervera y Topete (1839-1909) surrendered after the decisive naval battle on July 3, when his fleet attempted to run the American blockade of Cuba.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.