October 3, 1898 Monday

October 3 Monday – In Kaltenleutgeben, Austria, Sam wrote to H.Q. Russ in Lynn, Mass. who had written (not extant) about ordering a bust of Sam done by the Russian sculptress, Theresa Fedorowna Ries. Sam wrote that Russ’ letter made him proud and he hoped “that the bust will be inspired to speak, & that it will say grateful things to you & to my unknown friend the bride.” Sam enclosed Miss Ries’ letter asking several questions about the type of bust Russ wanted—bronzed terra cotta, white plaster of Paris, actual bronze, or in Carrara marble; would it be delivered in Vienna or sent to America? [MTP]. Note: Sam began sitting for the bust on Dec. 15, 1897. See also Apr. 20, 1898 entry.

Katharine I. Harrison wrote to Sam, letter not extant but referred to in Sam’s notebook entry following the Oct. 14 entry:

Miss Harrison writes under date of Oct. 3d that our balance in Mr. Rogers’s hands is $18,068.89”[NB 40 TS 47].

Theresa Feodorowna Ries, Russian sculptress, wrote in German from Vienna to Sam. Sam wrote across the top left hand side of the letter: “At the atelier she used to talk English to me & I German to her. By this method we could entertain each other without revealing our thoughts. SLC” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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