October 21, 1897

October 21 Thursday – At the Metropole Hotel, Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote a rather tongue-in-cheek to his cousin James Ross Clemens.

We were very glad to hear from you. When we set up housekeeping at Weggis on Lake Lucerne, I bore in mind the fact that you & your father were going to look in on us, & I made thoughtful preparation. I hired a rowboat by the month, & got all ready to have you row it & I steer it & your father superintend; & I judged that we were going to have a pretty good time. But you went back on your contract, & it turned out that I had to row the boat myself. The next time I make arrangements for you to have a good time, I hope you will be more considerate & see to it that I do not bring suffering & disappointment upon myself by consequence  [MTP].

In his Oct. 23 to Twichell, Sam briefly mentioned his “handing a cabman over to the police day before yesterday [Oct. 21] with the proper formalities, & promised to appear in court when the case comes up.” The cabby’s offense was not specified [MTP].

Josef Wichner wrote from Austria to Sam (only the envelope survives) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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