October 25, 1897

October 25 Monday – In Vienna, Austria Sam wrote to Thomas S. Frisbie in Hartford, thanking him for the now famous composite photograph of Mark Twain being hauled in a cart by a horse and cow, and driven by a black man with a black boy rider. The photo was incorporated into 60 copies of FE after the trade edition issued, along with a facsimile of this letter. Sam’s 1895 pose onboard the Warrimoo was superimposed on the cart picture.

Dear Sir: The picture has reached me, & has moved me deeply. That was a steady, sympathetic & honorable team, & although it was not swift, & not showy, it pulled me around the globe successfully, & always attracted its proper share of attention, even in the midst of the most costly & fashionable turnouts. …

I consider that this picture is much more than a work of art. How much more, one cannot say with exactness, but I should think two-thirds more.

After his signature Sam added:

Private. Never mind the book-case—I haven’t any books now any more. You ought to sell the picture through all the canvassers [Sotheby’s catalog June 19, 2003, Lot 94, p. 79-80].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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