Day by Day entries are from Mark Twain, Day By Day, four volumes of books compiled by David Fears and made available on-line by the Center for Mark Twain Studies.  The entries presented here are from conversions of the PDFs provided by the Center for Mark Twain Studies and are subject to the vagaries of that process.    The PDFs, themselves, have problems with formatting and some difficulties with indexing for searching.  These are the inevitable problems resulting from converting a printed book into PDFs.  Consequently, what is provided here are copies of copies.  

I have made attempts at providing a time-line for Twain's Geography and have been dissatisfied with the results.  Fears' work provides a comprehensive solution to that problem.  Each entry from the books is titled with the full date of the entry, solving a major problem I have with the On-line site - what year is the entry for.  The entries are certainly not perfect reproductions from Fears' books, however.  Converting PDFs to text frequently results in characters, and sometimes entire sections of text,  relocating.  In the later case I have tried to amend the problem where it occurs but more often than not the relocated characters are simply omitted.  Also, I cannot vouch for the paragraph structure.  Correcting these problems would require access to the printed copies of Fears' books.  Alas, but this is beyond my reach.

This page allows the reader to search for entries based on a range of dates.  The entries are also accessible from each of the primary sections (Epochs, Episodes and Chapters) of Twain's Geography.  

Entry Date (field_entry_date)

April 14, 1907 Sunday

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April 14 Sunday – With William Dean Howells and Daniel Frohman and 800 children, Sam attended a matinee performance of P&P by The Educational Alliance, Children’s Theatre, N.Y.C.  and gave a curtain speech. The New York Times, p.9, “Mark Twain Tells of Being an Actor” reported:  


He Sees His Own “The Prince and the Pauper,” and Relates Story of 22 Years Ago.

——— ——— ———


He Managed to Narrate, However,

April 15, 1907 Monday

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April 15 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Twichells go” [MTP TS 53].

Frederick D. Evans wrote from Fort McDowell, Calif. to Sam being bothered by a statement Sam made in “Concerning the Jews”some four years before, he thought in Harper’s Magazine. “That you had no prejudice against any nationality—save one. / What is that one?” [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “Quote the paragraph / no recollection / explain it if he can”

April 16, 1907 Tuesday

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April 16 Tuesday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam gave instructions to Lyon for reply to Mark G. McElhinney’s Apr. 3. “Thank him for his letter & say that by & by when his philosophy is printed he will send him a confidential copy” [MTP].

Sam also replied by writing on Dr. Edward Anthondy Spitzka’s Apr. 10. “Well, I read the other one, & got some thing out of it for the C. S. book. Glad to have it. Life’s getting a little dull lately, & nothing excites me like the encephalic” [MTP].

April 18, 1907 Thursday

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April 18 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam replied on Frank T. Searight’s Apr. 12 letter: “never make another land voyage that can be avoided either honorably or otherwise” [MTP].

At 8:15 p.m. Clara Clemens gave a performance in Fredonia, N.Y. The Fredonia Censor advertised her upcoming concert and on Apr. 24 reviewed it:

April 19, 1907 Friday

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April 19 Friday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: We’re just starting for Hartford. It is snowing and the King who is lathering his face for a shave suggests that I get Mrs. Whitmore on the telephone and tell her that he “may be a little late in arriving for he has mislaid one of his snowshoes.” And then such a chuckle of delight he gives as he swabs his face and I go spinning up to the telephone. I wouldn’t dampen one joke of the King’s for worlds, except where Mrs. Rogers is concerned, for she can’t be joked with over a telephone. Dinner tonight at Mrs.

April 20, 1907 Saturday

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April 20 Saturday – Sam was in Hartford and met with the ladies who were first members of his Saturday Morning Club 30 years before. He wrote of the good time in a letter to Jean on Apr. 22.

Athenaeum printed an anonymous review of CS, p.466-8. Tenney: “Mostly summary; favorable, calls MT ‘one of the sanest, least prejudiced of men’ [43].

Clemens A.D. for this day is listed by MTP as “Imaginary Interview with the President.”  

April 21, 1907 Sunday

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April 21 Sunday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “We left Hartford this morning, came to the station in Billy Whitmore’s mobile, and then as we couldn’t get a parlor car, we sat in the ordinary coach and the King talked every moment” [MTP TS 53].

Lillie d’Angelo Bergh wrote for Woman’s Press Club of NYC to ask Sam “some opinions” in a letter she enclosed (not in file) [MTP].


April 22, 1907 Monday

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April 22 Monday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam inscribed a copy of JA to Dorothy Butes: “To Dorothy—/ with the affectionate regards of / The Author. On the whole it is better to deserve honors & not have them, thatn have them & not deserve them. / Truly Yours / Mark Twain/ April 22/07 [MTP].  

Sam also wrote to daughter Jean in Katonah, N.Y.    

April 23, 1907 Tuesday

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April 23 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “The King has new and gaudy maxim: “Prostitution is the thief of time” [MTP TS 53].

Edith Elsie Baker for the Actors’ Fund of America wrote to “gratefully acknowledge Sam’s $10 donation and 3 volumes of HF for their fair [MTP].

April 24, 1907 Wednesday

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April 24 Wednesday – In N.Y.C. Isabel V. Lyon replied for Sam to Mrs. Arthur J. Tenney’s Apr. 22. “Thanks for photo is so overdriven in these days if the enclosed is of use glad to enclose it” [MTP].

Sam also dictated a reply to the Apr. 7 from Benjamin R. Tucker, but his response is on the back of Tucker’s letter in Josephine Hobby’s shorthand, and is undecipherable [Gribben 662].

April 25, 1907 Thursday

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April 25 Thursday – Sam was on the Kanawha bound for Jamestown, Va. According to Lyon’s journal entry below, he sent a telegram upon arrival—if 17 hours from 1:30 p.m. Apr. 24, the arrival was approx. . 7 a.m.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Telegram that the King had swift good passage. 17 hours” [MTP TS 54]. Note. telegram not extant.

A.K. Wright, Minister, Church of Christ, San Jacinto, Calif. wrote to Sam, enclosing a newspaper clipping of his poem, “The Desert” [MTP].


April 26, 1907 Friday

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April 26 Friday – Sam was in Old Point Comfort, Va. In his May 2 to Clara, Sam wrote of the first day that it was “sunny and bright.” After that the fog rolled in.

But the first day was very gay, & really paid for the excursion. I blundered into the Virginia building, thinking it was the Maryland one; but it was all right: the Governor was holding a reception & I took it off his hands. It gave him a rest & he was thankful. I knew him & his wife before.”

April 28, 1907 Sunday

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April 28 Sunday – Sam was in the Fort Monroe, Va. area.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Mrs. Baker came—stricken. Thompson came—pastels. I’m not well” [MTP TS 54].

Dorothy Butes wrote from the Hotel Majestic (NY?) to thank Sam for his “lovely book” JA. She’d been “chuckling over CS and his criticism of Mrs. Eddy’s English.” She offered an anecdote from her Latin class about a classmate, Lorraine, who she described as “about a hundred and sixy pounds, who tries to be kittenish” [MTP].

April 29, 1907 Monday

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April 29 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “No news from the King, and I’m down with something. Pains almost unendurable and a temperature” [MTP TS 54-55].

In Fort Monroe, Va., Sam telegraphed Isabel Lyon: “Delayed indefinitely by fog. Clemens” [MTP]. Note: Lyon mentions this the following day.

H.H. Rogers and son Harry Rogers left the Kanawha and returned to N.Y. by rail [NY Times May 4, p.1, “Twain and Yacht Disappear at Sea”].

April 30, 1907 Tuesday

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April 30 Tuesday – On the yacht Kanawha in Old Point Comfort, Virginia, Sam wrote to Frederick A. Duneka asking him to send a green cloth set of his books to H.H. Rogers to the yacht at the N.Y.C. pier, foot of E. 23 [MTP]. Note: the NY Times article of May 4, p.1, included a bit about this day:

May 1907

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May – Edward A. Kimball’s article, “Mark Twain, Mrs. Eddy, and Christian Science,” ran in Cosmopolitan, p. 35-41. Tenney: “A reply to MT’s Christian Science by ‘a prominent Christian Science author’” [44].

May 1, 1907 Wednesday

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May 1 Wednesday – At 4 a.m. the Kanawha got underway back to New York through the clearing fog [Baltimore Sun May 10, “Mark Twain in Clover” p.14]. Note: because the yacht could not be seen leaving from shore, it was thought for a day or more that it was lost at sea.

May 2, 1907 Thursday

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May 2 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to Edith Elsie Baker about the Actors’ Fund Fair flap:

I am back from the South, & find your letter which has given me deep & unqualified pleasure.

May 3, 1907 Friday

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May 3 Friday – In  London Whitelaw Reid sent a momentous cable to Sam in care of Harper & Brothers, N.Y. It was received in New York at 2:40 p.m.

OXFORD UNIVERSITY WOULD CONFER DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LETTERS ON YOU ON JUNE 26 BUT PERSONAL PRESENCE NECESSARY CABLE ME WHETHER YOU CAN COME” [MTFWE 4]. Note: in his May 23 A.D. Sam reflected on the cablegram and his acceptance “without any waste of time.” See MTFWE p.4-5 for the full text. Insert Cable: [Baetzhold 243].

Sam then cabled Reid and also wrote a note. His cable:

May 4, 1907 Saturday

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May 4 Saturday – Sam moved into the William Voss house in Tuxedo Park, N.Y. [Hill 166]; his lease had begun on May 1. He gave a talk or a reading at a tea for the Tuxedo Club in his honor. He had forecasted the event in his Apr. 22 to Jean. Fatout lists the talk but gives no particulars [MT Speaking 676]. Note: see May 5 NYT article. Lyon’s entry below reveals the tea was held at Mrs. Harry Rogers’ house in Tuxedo.

May 5, 1907 Sunday

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May 5 Sunday – The NY Times included a telegram supposedly sent on May 4 by Sam to Milton Goodkind in a spoof article about Sam being lost at sea:



And If the Report That He’s Lost at Sea is So, He’ll Let the Public Know.

May 6, 1907 Monday

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May 6 Monday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to Mary B. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers, Jr.) who had sent a note [not extant] with Harry Rogers.

To the Shah-in-Shah of Nieces— / Greeting & salutation:

May 7, 1907 Tuesday

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May 7 Tuesday – Sam wrote daughter Jean on May 14 after his return from Annapolis that he spent “the 7 to meet engagements.” He did not specify; no more is known.  

Clemens gave Isabel Lyon power of attorney to sign checks for him [Hill 222]. The Lyon- Ashcroft MS contains the full text of this document, as follows: