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- Jabobsthal, R.
- Unauthorized ed. TS,D, 243
- Jaccaci, August F., 604, 611, 670, 671, 797
- Jack and the Beanstalk, 246
- Jackson, A. Reeves, Dr., 512
- Jackson, Hyacinth, 646
- Jackson, J. Smither, 751
- Jacksonville, Fla., 655
- Jacob, Samuel Swinton, 2
- Jacobs, Ward, 865, 866, 868, 871, 876
- James Dodge, Mrs., 648
- James, Henrietta. See Whitehead, Celia B.
- James, Henry, 87, 243, 360, 709, 965, 975, 1054
- Guest of Harvey’s at Deal, N.J., 1030
- Visited MT, 1030
- James, Henry (Lord of Hereford), 375
- James, William, 275, 354, 356
- Jameson Raid, 34
- Jameson, Jesse, Capt., 679
- Janvier, Thomas Allibone, 611, 766
- In Great Waters: Four Stories (1901), 582
- Japanese Topsyturvydom (1896) by Emily S. Patton, 26
- Japanese Types Sketched with a Brush and Pen (1905) by Emily S. Patton, 26
- Jarrett, Elizabeth, Dr., 519, 520, 521
- Jasper, Bernardino Fernández de Velasco y Roser Balfe. See Frias, Duke of
- Jeanne d’Arc by Anatole France, 347
- Jeanne d’Arc, Maid of Orleans, Deliverer of France, etc. by T. Douglas Murray, 285, 287, 294, 319, 726
- Jeanne d’Arc: Her Life and Death (1897) by Margaret Oliphant, 287
- Jefferson, Joseph (Actor), 425, 435, 436, 453, 605, 606, 643, 838, 992, 1074, 1075
- Jenkins, Margaret, 379, 1050
- Jenks, Captain, 691
- Jerome, William Travers, 582, 583
- Jersey City, N.J., 641, 784, 819, 870
- Jesse, Richard H., Dr., 662, 668, 685, 746
- Jessup, Maurice E., 589
- Jewell Pin Co., 697, 746, 848, 980
- Jewell, W.H., 813
- Jewett, John H., 475
- Jewett, Sarah Orne, 408, 614, 810, 881
- Jewish Chronicle (London), 288
- Jewish World, The, 294
- Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle, and Little Breeches (Poem) by John Hay, 895
- Jobe, M.E., Mrs., 789
- John H. Dickey (Steamboat), 228
- Johnson, Joseph, Jr., 574, 575, 580, 906
- Johnson, Robert Underwood, 43, 79, 125, 419, 422, 433, 508, 569, 662, 871, 906, 1053, 1055, 1074, 1075
- Johnson, Rossiter, 12
- Johnston Rufus P., Rev. Dr., 620
- Johnston, Charles, 270, 472, 479
- Johnston, E.L., 857
- Johnston, John H., 637
- Jokai, Mór, 231
- Jolly, Sobieski (“Beck”), 228, 678
- Jones & Son (Jewelers), 394
- Jones, John P., 523, 673, 810, 835
- Jones, John P., Mrs., 847, 1068
- Jones, Robert Hope (Organ inventor), 608
- Jones, Rufus M.
- Famous Authors and the Best Literature of England and America, 2
- Jönkoping, Sweden, 275
- Jourdan, James, 925, 926
- Journalism and Literature, and Other Essays by H.W. Boynton, 934
- Journalisten-und Schriftsteller-Verein “Concordia”, 935
- Judge (Magazine), 365
- Judith of Bethulia, a Tragedy (Play) by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, 1054
- Juggernaut Club, 590, 629, 631, 642, 651, 660, 666, 700, 705, 740, 743, 750, 928
- June, M.J., 763