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- Pace, Hotel Florence, 913, 916
- Pach Bros. N.Y. (Photographers), 340
- Paff, Hattie L., 1022
- Page, Thomas Nelson, 577, 712, 732, 1002, 1050
- Page, Walter Hines, 72, 176, 494, 880
- Paget, Agustus Berkeley, 920
- Paget, Lady, 920, 922, 985, 999, 1019
- Paget, Walburga Ehrengarde Helena von Hohenthal. See Paget, Lady Paggi, Dr., 919
- Paige, James W., 524, 813
- Paine, Albert Bigelow, 236, 410, 551, 589, 934, 1026, 1028
- Biography of Thos. Nast, 776
- Met MT, 606
- Paine, Augustus G., 542, 543, 546, 563, 641, 643, 644, 645, 655, 803, 894, 1058
- aka “Partially Reformed Pirate”, 546
- Paladini, Carlo, 796, 913, 973, 1033
- Paley, William, 830
- Pall Mall Gazette, 55, 181, 217, 343
- Pall Mall Magazine, 183, 217
- Palm Beach, Fla., 643, 644
- Palmer, John S., 919
- Palmer, Mr., 425
- Pancoast, Henry S., 119
- Papin, Theophile (Toto), 688
- Papyrus, The: A Magazine of Individuality, 1045
- Paraty, Count, 62, 134
- Paris Exposition of 1900, 137
- Paris Herald, 45
- Park Theatre, Hannibal, 680
- Park, Lucy F.A., 260
- Parker, Alton Brooks, 1008
- Parker, Edwin Pond, 164, 171, 175, 903
- Visited Clemenses in Austria, 169
- Parker, Edwin Pond, Mrs.,, 1061
- Parker, Gilbert
- Parker, Gilbert, 334, 345
- Parker, Gilbert Mr. & Mrs., 265, 271
- Parker, Joseph, Mrs., 1061
- Parker, Joseph, Rev. Dr., 1062
- Parker, Percy L., 673
- Parr, Miss, 220
- Parrott, T.M., 947
- Parry, Angenette, Dr., 633, 662, 683, 868, 1016, 1018, 1022, 1029, 1048
- Parson’s Theatre, Hartford, 755, 758
- Parsons, Frank, 519
- Parsons, John E., 455
- Partridge, Mary P., 991
- Pascal, Margaret, 484, 506
- Pasternak, Nathaniel, 671, 672, 677
- Paths to Power (1901) by Floyd Wilson, 700
- Patience; or, Bunthorne’s Bride (Operetta) by Wm. Schwenck, 770
- Patrascan, D.D., 334, 358
- Patterson, G.W., 490
- Patterson, George A., 603
- Patti, Adelina, 829
- Patton, Dr. Rev., 743
- Patton, Emily S., 26
- Patton, Francis Landey, Dr. Rev., 586, 587, 749
- Paulhof, Villa, 155, 158, 160, 161, 162, 165, 170, 172, 179
- Pauncefote, Julian, 7, 587
- Pavey family, 443
- Pavey, Jesse H. and Family, 1024
- Pax Vobiscum. An Address (1890) by Henry Drummond, 29
- Paxon, Frances Lloyd. See Massiglia, Countess
- Paxson, Katharine Lampton, 1052, 1056
- Payn, James, 103
- Payne, Thomas B., Rev., 482
- Payne, William H., 127, 128
- Peabody, Frederick William, 771, 773, 777, 778, 779, 780, 804, 806, 807, 810, 826, 837, 840, 843
- Peace Conference at the Hague, 219, 361
- Peace Treaty (Spanish-Am. War), 219
- Peall, W.J.
- Pears, Muriel M., 590, 596, 608, 612, 628, 629, 631, 634, 700, 705, 743, 750, 780, 807, 808, 811, 815, 835, 845, 847, 889, 904, 913, 937, 984, 1004, 1037, 1040, 1050
- Pearson, William H., 634
- Peck, Harry Thurston, 256, 366, 453, 982
- Peckham, Walter, Mrs., 405
- Peckham, Wheeler H., 455
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, 258
- Pellew, C.E., Mr. & Mrs., 494
- Pemberton, Thomas Edgar
- Bret Harte: A Treatise and a Tribute (1900), 319
- Pen and the Book, The (1899) by Walter Besant, 232
- Penfield, Roderic C., 729
- Penfold, Miss, 338, 342
- Penley, William Sydney (Actor), 377
- Penn, Azalia Erminie Cordelia Transquilla Amelia Amerine (Mrs. Fowkes), 681
- Penobscot Man, The (1904) by Fannie Eckstorm, 1024
- People I’ve Smiled With: Recollections of a Merry Little Life, The by Marshall Wilder (1899), 217
- People’s Club, NY, 598
- People’s History of the English Aristocracy, The (1891) by George Standring, 382
- Pepys, Samuel, 371, 403, 565
- Perkins, Charles E. (Atty), 991
- Perkins, Eli, 445. See Landon, Melville D.
- Perkins, Elizabeth, 733
- Perkins, George Walbridge, Sr., 627, 867, 871, 873, 884, 889
- Perkins, George Walbridge, Sr. family, 886
- Perkins, George Walbridge, Sr., Mr. & Mrs., 674
- Perkins, George, Mrs., 675
- Perry Magazine, 769
- Perry Picture Co., 769
- Perry, Bliss, 743, 749, 806, 850, 872
- Perry, E. Wood, Jr., 418
- Pesti Hirlap, 238
- Pesti Naplo, 238
- Published MT interview, 236, 238
- Peter (“Funny Bohemian lunatic”), 446
- Peter Pan by James M. Barrie, 58
- Peterson Magazine, The, 120
- Peterson, Edward, 479
- Pfenneg, Z., 764
- Pflüger, Eduard Freidrich Wilhelm, 254
- Phelp, C.E.D., 482
- Phelps, Albert (Playwright), 593, 600
- Phelps, William Lyon, 513, 977
- Attended Clara’s Florence performance, 974
- Phelps, William Walter, 191
- Phi Beta Kappa, 452, 684, 685
- Philadelphia North American, 687
- Philadelphia weekly City and State, 819
- Philadelphia, Penn., 667
- Philips, George M., 784
- Philistine, The, 305
- Phillips, Mary Elizabeth, 484, 486, 511, 917, 918, 925, 1020, 1024
- Phillips, Roland, 682
- Phillpotts, Eden, 346, 376
- Phippi, Felix, 351
- Phrenological Journal, The, 509, 992, 1008
- Phyl (autograph collector), 280, 282
- Picard, Hélène Elisabeth, 626, 631, 640, 642, 651, 666, 671, 696, 712, 724, 740, 743, 757, 780, 808, 816, 877, 921, 928, 938, 945, 968, 982, 1022
- Pichler, Carl W.. See Tichler, Carl W.
- Piemontini, Ugo, 914, 989, 1000, 1001, 1003, 1005, 1013
- Pierce, Ed, 395, 680
- Pierce, Franklin, 493
- Pike, Mrs., 513
- Pilgrim, The (Magazine), 888
- Pillsbury, John, 475
- Pimms cocktail, 14
- Pinero, Arthur Wing (Playwright), 371, 422
- Ping Pong, 698
- Pini-Corsi (Opera), 495
- Pinkham, Charles, 397
- Pinkham, M.L., 398
- Pioneer, The (India), 217
- Pitts, Will, 680
- Pittsfield Wed. Morning Club, 27
- Planner, Lillie, 264
- Planters House Hotel, St. Louis, 676, 678
- Plasmon, 216, 318, 324, 338, 340, 344, 352, 358, 360, 362, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 379, 381, 387, 389, 399, 406, 409, 412, 434, 437, 467, 469, 631, 862
- Plasmon Co. of America, 338, 644, 682, 697, 761, 774, 817, 896, 970, 1022, 1025, 1026, 1029, 1034, 1035, 1038, 1050, 1058, 1059
- Plasmon Syndicate, 216, 338, 353, 354, 355, 363, 366, 409, 412, 414, 425, 444, 511, 572, 616, 644, 661, 813, 833, 835, 842, 877, 882, 970, 1042
- Platt, Frank H., 418
- Platt, Thomas Collier, 933
- Hapsburg (or Habsburg by Alfred von Berger, 189
- Players Club, 156, 196, 204, 224, 465, 486, 506, 593, 606, 623, 624, 627, 807, 810, 832, 1049, 1073
- Plunkett, May Kellogg (Mrs. Wm. R. Plunkett), 27
- Plunkett, William R., 27
- Poetry, Comedy, and Duty (1888) by Charles Everett, 947
- Poets and Dreamers; Studies from Translations from the Irish, by Lady Gregory, 826
- Pokorney, Wilhelm (Homeopath), 62
- Ponce de Leon Hotel, St. Augustine, Fla., 641, 642
- Pond, James B., 56, 57, 66, 81, 94, 111, 142, 156, 180, 191, 192, 200, 201, 205, 242, 286, 294, 302, 305, 319, 377, 387, 392, 393, 399, 412, 421, 425, 434, 435, 436, 448, 465, 469, 471, 514, 523, 557, 560, 610, 702, 704, 751, 771, 778, 784, 787, 809, 859, 867, 889
- “Across the Continent with Mark Twain”, 398
- Death of, 870
- Offered $50,000 for 125 nights, 55
- Rec’d Congressional Medal of Honor, 166
- Visited Clemenses in London, 51
- Pond, James B. Mr & Mrs., 52
- Pond, Martha G. (Mrs. James B. Pond), 1015
- Ponkapog Papers (1903) by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, 943
- Ponte Vecchio Club, Florence, 987
- Pontifex, Lady. See Gribble, Thomas Mrs.
- Porter, Horace, 82, 163, 630, 694, 699
- Porter, Sophie King McHarg (Mrs. Horace Porter)
- Porter, William, Jr. Dr., 180
- Portion of Labor, The (1901) by Mary Freeman, 582
- Portland, Maine, 550
- Post, C.A., Mr. & Mrs., 494
- Post, Louis Freeland, 929, 938
- Postley, C.H., Mrs., 405
- Potter, Bishop, 435, 436, 438, 455, 457, 585, 588
- Potter, Edward T. (Architect), 856
- Potter, Francis Squire, Mrs., 935
- Potter, Henry Codman (Bishop), 856
- Potter-Frissell, E., 209
- Potts, G.W., 771
- Potts, Lucy, 489
- Pötzl, Eduard, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 97, 98, 104, 129, 140, 151, 238, 240, 252, 254, 433, 435, 443, 1004
- Dinner with the Clemenses, 125
- Poughkeepsie Eastman Club, 506
- Power of Sound by Edmund Gurney, 378
- Powers, L.M., Rev., 630, 632
- Poynter, Ambrose, 248
- Practitioner (Med. journal), 413
- Prague, Czechoslovakia, 255, 256
- Pratt & Whitney’s disputed bill, 155, 168, 170, 494, 495, 496, 515, 523, 524, 531, 532
- Pratt, Mrs., 736
- Press, The (Phila.), 844
- Price, Warren Elbridge, 970
- Price, William L., family, 489
- Primrose, Archibald Philip (Earl of Rosebery), 384
- Prince of Wales, 6, 43, 251, 252, 257, 261, 262, 369, 588, 767, 815, 877, 1069
- Prince of Wales Hotel (London), 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 264, 267, 268, 271, 274
- Prince Oscar (Steamship), 998, 1001, 1002, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1016
- Princess Irene (Steamship), 864, 878, 879, 880, 882, 906, 909, 911, 912, 913, 998
- Princeton Inauguration Committee, 746
- Princeton University, 453, 511, 520, 521, 586, 587, 743, 748, 749
- Princeton, N.J., 114, 233, 234, 263, 292, 293, 412, 414, 424, 425, 520, 537, 600, 664, 748, 749, 750, 776
- Prisoner of Zenda (1894) by Anthony Hope Hawkins, 357
- Private Lives of William II, etc. by Henry Fisher, 1050
- Proctor, I. Goldsmith, 984
- Prosper (Jean’s dog), 1021
- Provand, Alexander Dryburgh, 375, 376, 380, 381
- Provincial Types in American Literature (1903) by Horace Fiske, 797
- Prunetti, Dova, 970
- Pryor, James W., 466
- Public Education Association, NY, 430
- Publishers Weekly (London), 119
- Puck, 701
- Pudd’nhead Wilson (play) by Frank Mayo, 205
- Puddefoot, W.G., Rev., 483
- Pulitzer, Joseph, 374, 406
- Pullman Strike, 1075
- Punch (London), 343, 345, 346, 802, 898, 899
- Punton, A.L., 759
- Purgatory, In (Play) by Gettke & Engel, 142
- Purrington, William Archer, 813, 844
- Pusey, William Allen, Dr., 512
- Putnam Place by G.L. Collins, 850
- Putnam, C.A.V., 153
- Putnam, Dr., 717, 733, 738
- Putnam, George Haven, 436, 1055
- Putnam, Irving, 256
- Pyle, Howard, 766, 799, 803, 804, 874, 876, 962