May 24 Tuesday – At the Villa Paulhof in Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to an unidentified man, thanking him for his kind offer to send him some of his books—he would “now & then take advantage.” Sam had forgotten the address of the artist the man had inquired about (not extant) but Ludwig Kleinberg owned the picture and had given Sam permission for it to be reduced and used on postcards. He sent Kleinberg’s address [MTP].

May 26 shortly before – At the Villa Paulhof in Kaltenleutgeben Sam wrote to Joe Twichell:

May 27 Friday – At the Villa Paulhof in Kaltenleutgeben, Austria, Sam wrote to Dr. Thomas S. Kirkbride, who had mentioned a maid in his service at this boarding house (pension). The Clemenses needed a  cook and would “pay her expenses going & coming” from Vienna [MTP]. See also Livy to Kirkbride, May 26. On May 31 Sam reported to Rogers that they had a cook, so it may be this feeler was productive.

Sam’s notebook:

May 30 Monday – At the Villa Paulhof in Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Siegmund Schlesinger, who evidently had asked for more time, likely on their play collaborations. Sam wrote him to “Take another month—and don’t hurry; hurrying doesn’t help a sick man to get well” [MTP].

May 31 Tuesday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers. First, he was “very glad indeed” to learn that Rogers’ daughter, Cara Broughton (Mrs. Urban H. Broughton), was now healthy, with no “peril” to her life.

June – Sam sent a part-printed subscription form to the Vienna Neue Freie Presse (“ New Free Press”) seeking a run of July 1 to Oct. 31, and asking to “Please send the bill by the postman.” Under the line for “character” (title), Sam wrote “Hasn’t any” [MTP: Bomsey Autographs catalogs, No. 46, Item 103].

A. Hoffman puts this month as the one Clara Clemens decided to give up the piano as a career and to choose what her late sister excelled in, singing. Though he errs on this date, he observes:

June 1 WednesdayJoe Twichell wrote to Sam, pasting a Hartford Courant clipping from May 27 at the top of the first page (not in file).

June 4 Saturday – Sam wrote a sketch given this date in Kaltenleutgeben, unpublished until 2009: “A Group of Servants” [Who Is Mark Twain? xxvi, 61-9; AMT 1: 120-4]. Note: title assigned by Paine. Sam describes the new servants in this getaway village near Vienna, including one “garrulous older maid” he nicknamed “Wuthering Heights.” See last source p. 500 n121.21 for speculation as to why Sam chose the name of Emily Brontë’s classic novel.

June 8 WednesdayClara Clemens’ 24th birthday. Sam’s notebook entry of June 11 describes the family’s collective ignoring of such events since the death of Susy:

June 10 Friday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers.

“I enclose with this a full authority from Mrs. Clemens to act for her with Bliss in regard to the books. “I would like Bliss to engage to furnish and ship to Chatto a de luxe edition at about cost.”

Sam also wanted Chatto to be able to buy only as many deluxe editions of his Uniform works as he “has a sure market for,” as he would act as Sam’s agent and take a ten percent royalty for his services.

June 11 Saturday – About this day Sam mailed his article, “The Austrian Edison Keeping School Again” to Richard Watson Gilder of the Century [June 17 to Gilder]. It was published in the August issue.

June 17 Friday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Richard Watson Gilder.

Near a week ago I sent you a paragraph or two—a small Szczepanik episode—& registered it, as per enclosed “Scheim.”

In London we could always buy the Century—here, we’ve got to get down to business & order from headquarters.

Please put my name on the books & take it out in trade. / Yours, permanent, / Mark [MTP].

June 18 Saturday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Frank Bliss, advising him to put “In Memoriam—Olivia Susan Clemens” into the Uniform Edition, and noted it ran in Harper’s Monthly for Nov. 1897 [MTP].

Sam’s article, “The Spanish American War” ran in the Critic [Camfield bibliog.].

June 19 Sunday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to the Vienna correspondent for the London Daily News, Bettina Wirth.

I sent the play to my business friend in New York & said I would translate it if it was likely to make a success there. The response was not sufficiently encouraging—war-plays are all the go there, these days.

June 20 Monday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Robert Collier, Lord Monkswell (1845-1909). Sam wanted to confirm statistics he’d read in a magazine article on copyright, that there were about 4,000 books published in each country including America, England, France, and Germany. Did those books indeed represent 1,000 “professional authors” in each? He didn’t need to be exact but there were no books in the village and he was depending on what he’d read in Berlin eight years before [MTP].

June 21 Tuesday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Frank Bliss, who evidently had requested (not extant) original photos of Mark Twain for the Uniform Edition. Sam directed him to ask Franklin G. Whitmore to get any pictures in his Hartford house, or with Fred Hall or Annie Moffett Webster’s hands in Fredonia; if Bliss wrote to her she “would do the best she can for you” [MTP].

June 24 Friday – Sam also wrote to Dr. Henry Walker. Cue: “I thank you ever so much for the impulse which” [MTP]. Note: letter UCCL 12961 is currently unavailable at MTP.

June 25 SaturdayJohn A. Steuart’s article, “American Fiction in England,” ran in Outlook, p. 658-9 [Tenney 29].

June 26 Sunday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Samuel S. McClure.

June 28 Tuesday – In Kaltenleutgeben near Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Chatto & Windus, asking how many new books had been copyrighted in England for the past year. He needed it for an article [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Brainard Warner, Jr., United States Consul in Leipsic (Leipzig).

June 29 Wednesday – In Kaltenleutgeben, Austria, Sam wrote to Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

June 30 Thursday – In Kaltenleutgeben Sam sent his photo-postcard to Thomas Bailey Aldrich:

“Ho. T.B.!— / Why, it has been all of 15 years since I sent you a portrait—then I sent you 56, of different vintages. I am ashamed of the long neglect. Here’s the latest. (Don’t get scared, I haven’t any more)” [MTP].

July – Noah Brooks’ article, “Early Days of the Overland,” ran in the Overland Monthly p. 3-11. Tenney: “Contains passing reference to MT, pp. 7-9, as one of the contributors to the Overland Monthly” [29]. Note: an excerpt from this article ran in the Apr. 1899 issue of the same publication [30].

July 4 Monday – Hartford leading men A.C. Dunham (Austin Cornelius Dunham) and Dr. Edwin Pond Parker visited the Clemens family for three days this week. Which days is not clear, but Sam wrote to Whitmore on July 9 that the pair was there when news came of the July 3 defeat of the Spanish fleet under Admiral Pascual Cervera y Topete at the Battle of Santiago. [July 9 to Whitmore]. Note: this is also supported by the following notebook entry.

July 6 Wednesday – In Kaltenleutgeben, Austria, Sam replied to a letter, statistics, and a check from Chatto & Windus (theirs not extant). The book statistics were exactly what he wanted. The check was “beyond expectations large—would the English government “raid it with an income tax” if they deposited it in a London bank? Sam asked Chatto to check on two plays he’d translated and sent to people in London—did they still have the plays?