Mark Twain Day by Day
An Annotated Chronology
Of the Life of Samuel L. Clemens
Volume Two (1886-1896)

David H. Fears
© 2009 David H Fears
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America
First Edition, volume two, first print run
ISBN # 0-9714868-3-2
ISBN13 : 978-0-9714868-3-6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007927972
Published by Horizon Micro Publishing, LLC.
Books available through Amazon or directly from the publisher:
Horizon Micro Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 266
Banks, OR 97106

  • DBD Volume II Index: T

    • T.K. Webster Mfg. Co., 786, 799, 846
    • Table, The by Alessandro Filippini, 204, 205, 225
    • Tacoma Daily News, 1043
    • Tacoma Hotel, 1038, 1042
    • Tacoma Morning Union, 1042, 1043
    • Tacoma Press Club, 1043
    • Tacoma, Wash., 1038, 1042
    • Taft, Cincinnatus Dr., 267
    • Taft, Ellen C.
  • DBD Volume II Index: U

    • U.S. Bank, 526, 897, 899
    • U.S. Express Co., 210
    • U.S. Geological Survey, 332
    • U.S. National Bank, New York, 22, 62
    • Uffizi Palace, Florence, 705
    • Umbrella Palace, 1119
    • Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 93
    • Uncut Leaves Society, 832
    • Under Summer Skies by Clinton Scollard, 676
    • Under the Southern Cross, etc. by Maturin Ballou, 1057
    • Under the Sun: Essays Mainly Written in Hot Countries by Geo.
  • DBD Volume II Index: V

    • Valence, France, 651
    • Valentine, J.C., 674
    • Van Aken, Elisha M., 204, 270
    • Van der Merwe, Mrs., 1164
    • Van Dyke, Prof., 905
    • Van Etten, Miss, 842, 909
    • Van Nortwick, William H., 241
    • Van Zandt, George H., 179
    • Van Zandt, Nina, 225
    • Vancouver Daily News-Advertiser, 1051
    • Vancouver Hotel, 1046
    • Vancouver Opera House, 1046
    • Vancouver, B.C., 987, 989, 1046, 1047, 1050, 1051
    • Vanderpoele’s motor, 184
    • Vantine & Co., 51, 191
    • VanVechtin, C.D.
  • DBD Volume II Index: W

    • W.G. Simmons & Co., 184
    • W.H. Davis & Co., 233
    • W.W. Jacobs & Co., 620
    • Wade & Butcher, Sheffield, England, 965
    • Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, 353
    • Wagner family (John), 1067, 1073, 1095, 1096
    • Wagner Opera festival, Bayreuth, 627
    • Wagner, John H., 1073, 1074, 1095
    • Wagner, John H. Jr., 1067, 1073
    • Waialeale (Steamship), 1056
    • Wainright, W., 1152
    • Wainwright, W.A.M. Dr., 188, 228, 575
    • Waitukurau, N.Z., 1087
    • Wakeman, Edgar L.