• T.K. Webster Mfg. Co., 786, 799, 846
  • Table, The by Alessandro Filippini, 204, 205, 225
  • Tacoma Daily News, 1043
  • Tacoma Hotel, 1038, 1042
  • Tacoma Morning Union, 1042, 1043
  • Tacoma Press Club, 1043
  • Tacoma, Wash., 1038, 1042
  • Taft, Cincinnatus Dr., 267
  • Taft, Ellen C. (Mrs.), 561
  • Tailor-Made Girl, The by Philip Welch, 486
  • Taine, Hippolyte, 947
  • Taintor, Charles N., 133
  • Taj Mahal, 1120
  • Talcott Street Church, 380
  • Talcott, Seth, 461
  • Tale of Two Spheres, A by Hume Nisbet, 574
  • Talmage, Thomas De Witt Dr., 426, 480
  • Taming of the Shrew, 163, 360, 361
  • 100th night dinner, 2, 143
  • Tannersville, New York, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 525, 526, 527, 528, 530, 531, 533, 534, 535, 536
  • Tapley, D.J. (binder), 155, 159
  • Tapley, J.F., 1216
  • Tapley, J.F. (binder), 128
  • Tapley, K.C., 465
  • Taranaki Bight, N.Z., 1082
  • Taranaki Club, New Plymouth, N.Z., 1089
  • Taranaki Herald, 1089
  • Tariff; What it is and What it Does, The by Samuel Moffett, 676
  • Tasman, Abel Janszoon
    • Diary (1603-1659), 1077
  • Tasmanian News, 1075
  • Tate, A.O., 279
  • Tauchnitz, Christian (Baron), 276, 279, 594, 602, 662, 667, 724
  • Tauchnitz, Christian B. Jr., 276
  • Tavern Club, Boston, 112
  • Taylor, Charles (Actor), 670
  • Taylor, Charles D., 709
  • Taylor, Charles H., 203, 232, 238, 356, 358, 359, 371, 373, 376, 377, 379, 380, 425, 426, 428
  • Taylor, Douglas, 237, 427, 428, 989, 1046
  • Taylor, Graham, 373
  • Taylor, H.S., 373
  • Taylor, Harrie Wilbye, 104
  • Taylor, Howard P., 430, 434, 436, 468, 473, 478, 489, 511, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 565, 578 579, 592, 606, 607, 608
  • Taylor, J. Wells, 84
  • Taylor, J.M. Mrs., 130
    • Temperance Advocate, 27
  • Temple Choir, The by Theodore Seward, 194
  • Temple of black Kali (or Durga), 1110
  • Tennant, Gertrude Mrs., 579
  • Tennessee Land, 34, 191, 322, 349
  • Tenting on the Plains, etc. by Elizabeth Custer, 120, 192, 225, 340
  • Terry, Ellen (Actress), 255, 269, 836, 838, 846
  • Teske, Delancey W., 681
  • Tesla, Nikola, 316, 880, 894, 895
  • Thackeray, William Makepeace, 799
    • Marvels of the West, 416
  • Thalia Theatre, N.Y., 216
  • Thayer, A.E., 219
  • Thayer, Ada F., 666
  • Thayer, Eli, 447
  • Thayer, Mr., 339
  • Theal, George McCall, 1082
  • Theatre Royal, Adelaide, 1068, 1069
  • Theatre Royal, Calcutta, 1112
  • Theatre Royal, Durban, 1139, 1140
  • Theatre Royal, Invercargill N.Z., 1076
  • Theatre Royal, Napier, N.Z., 1085
  • Theatre Royal, Oamaru, N.Z., 1079
  • Theatre Royal, Pietermaritzburg, 1141
  • Their Pilgrimage by Charles Dudley Warner, 63
  • Thibault, Francois Anatole. See France, Anatole
  • Thiehoff, P.J., 348
  • Thomas Gray by Edmund W. Gosse, 159
  • Thomas Rutherton by John H. Carter, 532
  • Thomas, Charles L., 430
  • Thomas, Charles W., 465, 491
  • Thomas, Edith Matilda, 165
  • Thomas, George C., 275
  • Thompson, Charles D., 700
  • Thompson, Charles E., 146
  • Thompson, Frank, 852
  • Thompson, George, 1204
  • Thompson, H.R., 54
  • Thompson, Mortimer N. (Q.K. Philander Doesticks), 242
  • Thompson, Mr. (Artist), 47
  • Thompson, W. Tappan, 242
  • Thompson, William H., 275
  • Thomson, Basil Home, 1190
  • Thornburgh, Mrs., 131
  • Thorne typesetter, 65, 381, 466, 525
  • Thorne Typesetting Machine Co., 469
  • Thorne, Robert, 681
  • Thornton, Arthur C., 118, 393
  • Thorp, Frank, 99
  • Those Extraordinary Twins, 863
  • Thousand and One Days in the Occident by Ernst Wartegg, 593
  • Thresh, Emma, 1140
  • Thug goddess, 1110
  • Thurber, Mr., 544
  • Thurn, Madame (Dressmaker), 172
  • Tichborne case, 150
  • Tichborne, Roger Sir, 149
  • Ticknor & Co., 113
  • Tiffany & Co., 92, 140, 186, 204, 213, 216, 229
  • Tiffany, Francis, 171
  • Tile Club, N.Y., 1144
  • Tilley, William J., 147, 150
  • Tillotson & Son, 708
  • Timaru Herald, 1078
  • Timaru, N.Z., 1078, 1079, 1084, 1087
  • Times of India, 1104, 1106, 1107
  • Tinkletop’s Crime by George R. Sims, 571, 603
  • Todd, Dr., 38
  • Todd, Edward, 133
  • Tolle, Katie, 737
  • Tolstoi, Leo, 164
    • Ivan the Fool, etc., 571
    • Life is Worth Living, and Other Stories, 676
  • Tom Sawyer (Play), 203
  • Tom Sawyer (Unauthorized play), 412
  • Tom Sawyer Abroad, 715, 723, 724, 730, 731, 733, 734, 741, 742, 745, 746, 750, 751, 756, 758, 822, 826, 830, 831, 863, 877, 893, 901, 905, 907, 915, 916, 917, 927, 952, 1098, 1167, 1179
  • Tom Sawyer, Detective, 831, 832, 833, 834, 963, 965, 969, 1011, 1015, 1098, 1163, 1167, 1169, 1178, 1191, 1192, 1198
    • Copies received at US Copyright Office, 1194
  • Tomkinson (Alderman), 1068
  • Tomlinson, W. L., 172
  • Tommy Russell Prince & Pauper Company, 511
  • Tompkins, Eugene, 244
  • Tonic-Solfa Music Notation, 194
  • Toole, J.L., 729
  • Toorak, Australia, 1066
  • Toplleton’s Client, or, A Spirit in Exile by John Kendrick Bangs, 758
  • Toronto Anti-Poverty Society, 470
  • Toronto Globe, 1026, 1042
  • Totten, F.L., 208
  • Tourists’ Guide Through the Hawaiian Islands, The by Henry M. Whitney, 533
  • Tournuse Misses, 726
  • Towers of Silence, Bombay, 621, 1106
  • Towle, Albert S., 542
  • Town Hall, Prahan Austr., 1073
  • Townsend, Amos, 503
  • Townsend, George Alfred (Gath), 12, 139, 378, 379, 907
  • Townshend, John, 342
  • Traction Syndicate, 795, 797
  • Tracy Tarbox & Robinson, 177
  • Train, George Francis, 389
  • Tramp Abroad Again, The. See American Claimant
  • Tramp Abroad, A, 120, 390, 914, 1000
  • Transvaal, 1136, 1139, 1140, 1145, 1147, 1156
  • Transvaal Advertiser, 1140, 1146, 1148
  • Trappist Mariannhill, 1138
  • Traubel, Horace L., 536, 616
  • Traveler’s Record, The, 1213
  • Travelers Ins. Co. of Hartford, 369, 1213
  • Travels of Two Mohamedans, etc. (author unk.), 1190
  • Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1159
  • Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, 179, 267
  • Trefouret, Jeanne Alfredine. See Coquelin, Benoit Constant
  • Tremont Temple, Boston, 110, 348, 353
  • Tremont Theater, Boston, 1084
  • Trent, William Peterfield, 1135
  • Trial of the century, 250
  • Trials of Mutinous Convicts (author unk.), 1198
  • Trient Hotel, 798
  • Trient, Austria, 700, 798
  • Trinity College Alumni, 352, 681
  • Trinity College Hartford, 142, 152, 344, 432, 925
  • Trip to Chinatown, A (Play) by Charles Hoyt, 888
  • Tri-State Old Settlers Assoc., 178
    • Reunion in Keokuk, 45
  • Tristram, Hutchinson Mrs., 551
  • Triumphant Democracy by Andrew Carnegie, 387
  • Triumphant Democracy: or Fifty Years’ March of the Republic by Andrew Carnegie, 490
  • Trollope, Anthony, 58, 1168
  • Trollope, Frances, 58
  • Trollope, Thomas, 58
  • Tropical Africa by Henry Drummond, 214
  • Troup, John Rose, 400, 411, 413
  • Trout, Grace W., 154
  • Trowbridge, James T., 242
  • Truax, Charles H. (Judge), 841, 844
  • Trumbull, Annie E., 92, 272, 334, 452, 456, 503, 574, 618, 679, 691, 692, 721, 787, 791, 792, 845, 849, 851, 856, 866, 867, 869, 968, 1162, 1181
  • Trumbull, Henry Clay, 787
  • Trumbull, James Hammond, 11, 91, 113, 458, 574
  • Trumbull, Sarah A. (Mrs. James Hammond Trumbull), 721
  • Truth About “Protection” The by Joel Benton, 676
  • Truth Magazine, 460, 596, 599, 667, 904, 1098, 1157
  • Tucker, C. (Mayor Adelaide), 1068
  • Tuckerman, Lucius, 261
  • Tuckerman, Lucius Mrs., 261
  • Tunnicliff, Sarah B., 627
  • Tupper, Frederick A., 282
  • Turnbull, Edwin L., 162, 163
  • Turner, Ethel Sybil, 1062, 1063
  • Turner, George (Judge), 1209
  • Turner, George Mrs., 1043
  • Turner, Lee, 216
  • Twelfth Night Club, 865
  • Twenty Eight Years in Wall Street by Henry Clews, 451
  • Twenty Years of Congress by James G. Blaine, 59
  • Twichell family, 867, 979, 980, 1162
    • In Bad Nauheim, 726
  • Twichell, Burton, 6
  • Twichell, David C., 6, 636
  • Twichell, Harmony, 1, 6, 784, 796
  • Twichell, Joseph H., 1, 2, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 110, 115, 124, 136, 142, 159, 175, 178, 179, 181, 218, 220, 221, 229, 251, 276, 277, 278, 283, 284, 297, 307, 308, 309, 311, 343, 364, 367, 370, 381, 406, 423, 461, 482, 603, 611, 625, 629, 636, 644, 655, 664, 667, 694, 702, 727, 784, 796, 825, 838, 863, 866, 868, 870, 894, 900, 903, 906, 907, 935, 972, 979, 985, 1085, 1145, 1146, 1151, 1162, 1175, 1178, 1183, 1184
    • Account of MT meeting Prince of Wales, 727
    • Fiftieth birthday reception, 277
    • Gave short speech, 555
    • Gave signed copy John Winthrop, etc. to MT, 664
    • Harper’s article on MT, 1132, 1135, 1146
    • Hiked with MT, 175
    • Homburg with MT, 726
    • Opinion of MT House controversy, 493
    • Overwhelmed at Burton’s death, 218
    • Read at Stowe funeral, 1161
    • Recollected TA 21 years before, 942
    • Sent condolences, 550
  • Twichell, Julia, 655
    • failed exams, 166
  • Twichell, Susie, 6
  • Two Years in Fiji by Arthur Forbes, 1192
  • Tyler, John, 1119
  • Tynan, P. Joseph, 349
  • Typesetting tournament in Phila., 29
  • Typographical Union, 14, 82, 86
  • Typothetae, 7, 10, 18, 237, 427, 510, 577, 755
    • Dinner at Delmonico’s, 7