• Yaas (nickname). See Phelps, William Walter
  • Yale Divinity School, 221
  • Yale Lectures on Preaching, and Other Writings by Nathaniel J. Burton, 222, 237, 665
  • Yale Sheffield Scientific School, 393
  • Yale University, 283, 284, 386, 387, 416
    • Awarded MT honorary M.A., 287
  • Yale’s Alumni Association, 254
  • Yanks and Johnnies; or, Laugh and Grow Fat by William Van Nortwick, 241
  • Yenne village, 647
  • Yewell, George Henry (Artist), 199, 200
  • YMCA, 136, 441, 509
  • Yoakum, F.L., 247
  • Yorick Club, Melbourne, 1067
  • Yost, Robert M., 122, 124
  • Yost, Robert M. Mrs., 122
  • Young Democrats of the Second Ward, Hartford, 314
  • Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor, Paris, 975
  • Young, Andrew
    • “There is a Happy Land” (song), 19
  • Young, Brigham, 1207
  • Young, David W., 669
  • Young, George M., 245
  • Young, John Russell, 23, 127, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 527, 528, 541, 556, 581, 734, 840
    • Inspected typesetter, 524
  • Young, Rose Fitzpatrick (Mrs. John Russell Young), 556
  • Young, Sam, 128
  • Young, Sarah, 77
  • Young’s Hotel, Boston, 245, 356, 358
  • Youth’s Companion, 871, 877, 881, 897, 909, 910, 911, 956, 1066
  • YWCA of New York, 595, 597


  • Zangwill, Israel, 952, 1100, 1194
  • Zanzibar, 384
  • Ziegler, Charles Calvin, 782
  • Zogbaum, Rufus Fairchild, 880
  • Zorn, Anders Leonard, 880
  • Zox, Ephraim, 1072
  • Zuboff, Mr., 441
  • Zulus, 1137
  • Zurelli, Yola, 725