• U.S. Bank, 526, 897, 899
  • U.S. Express Co., 210
  • U.S. Geological Survey, 332
  • U.S. National Bank, New York, 22, 62
  • Uffizi Palace, Florence, 705
  • Umbrella Palace, 1119
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 93
  • Uncut Leaves Society, 832
  • Under Summer Skies by Clinton Scollard, 676
  • Under the Southern Cross, etc. by Maturin Ballou, 1057
  • Under the Sun: Essays Mainly Written in Hot Countries by Geo. Sala, 1079
  • Underhill and Nichols, 795, 826
  • Underhill, Charles M., 52, 61, 261, 263, 449, 779, 782
  • Underhill, Irving S., 779, 782, 828
  • Underwriter Printing Co., 351
  • Union Adams Agent, 166
  • Union Club of New York, 127
  • Union Home Work, 371
  • Union League Club, 97, 441, 466, 471, 719
  • Union Pacific Stock, 118
  • Union Printer, The, 310
  • Union Veterans Assoc. of Maryland, 148
    • Banquet (Baltimore 1887), 155
  • United Lines Telegraph Co., 232
  • Unity Hall Hartford, 110, 218, 380, 845, 849, 851, 866
  • Universal Tinker Co., 6, 22, 69
  • University Club, Baltimore, 340
  • University of Missouri, 369, 896
  • University of New Brunswick, 686
  • Unwin, T. Fisher, 603, 766, 1201
  • Urbana (Ohio) Daily Citizen, 557
  • US Cremation Society, N.Y., 342
  • US Patent office, 198
  • Utica (N.Y.) Herald, 450