• S.B. Donchian (Oriental rugs), 177
  • S.S. Scranton & Co. (publishers), 128
  • Sabine, William, 468
  • Sadler, James, 1069
  • Sage, Dean, 21, 40, 345, 348, 354, 359, 376, 386, 420, 421, 429, 431, 433, 475, 476, 478
    • Examined typesetter, 432
    • Met F. Hopkinson Smith, 379
    • Misgivings about Paige typesetter, 433
    • Opinion of Paige typesetter, 437
  • Sage, Dean Jr., 636
  • Sage, Henry W., 21
  • Said in Fun by Philip Welch, 486
  • Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 158, 365
  • Saintsbury, George, 802
  • Sala, George Augustus, 1079
  • Salisbury garden, Ventnor, 332
  • Saloman & DeLeeuw (Tobaccoists), 446, 614
  • Salt Lake, 1207
  • Salt Lake City, 1207
  • Salt River, 9
  • Salter, R.P., 340
  • Saltonstall, F.G., 441
  • Saltonstall, Leverett, 235
  • Saltpeter Cave, 459
  • Salvini, Alexander (Actor), 365, 435
  • Salvini, Tommaso, 836
  • Sampson Low & Co., 446, 549
  • Sampson, August N., 591, 592, 594, 595
  • Samson and Delilah painting, 245
  • Samson Low & Co., 422, 441, 444, 445, 454, 462
  • Samuel Gardner & Co. (Tailors), 989
  • Samuel, Miss, 96
  • San Diego property, 113
  • San Francisco, 995
  • San Francisco Call, 66, 159
  • San Francisco Chronicle, 680, 700
  • San Francisco Examiner, 187, 262, 377, 418, 442, 674, 762, 774, 821, 984, 1039, 1043, 1046, 1048, 1055, 1158
    • Reviewed PW play, 1130
  • San Francisco Typographical, 310
  • Sanborn, Miss, 676
  • Sandberg, C.H., 625
  • Sanders, Wilbur Fiske, 1033, 1034
  • Sanderson, Sybil, 927, 1144
  • Sandhurst, William Mansfield, 1104, 1106
  • Sanford, E. B. (Elias Benjamin), 480
    • Concise Cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, 459
  • Sanford, Samuel S., 740
  • Sargent, John Singer, 767
  • Sarony (Photographer), 68, 159, 537, 564, 669, 680, 830, 838
  • Satan (cat), 493, 561
  • Saturday Morning Club, 92, 96, 119, 376, 503, 505, 845, 866, 867
  • Saturday Review, 159, 915
  • Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 52, 1016
  • Saunders, A.T., 147
  • Savage Club Roast (Christchurch), persons at, 1080
  • Savage Club, Christchurch, N.Z., 1079, 1080
  • Savage Club, Pietermaritzburg, 1141
  • Sawkins, T.G., 893
  • Sawyer, Ellen, 77
  • Saxe, Ceyton, 704
  • Sayles, Emma, 857, 887
  • Scaligers Tombs, 798
  • Schaff, Philip, 212
  • Schaffer, Dr., 124
  • Schenck, H.V.D., 144
  • Schloss Hotel, Heidelberg, 642, 643
  • Schlutter, Otto B., 180, 385, 508
  • Schmidt, William
    • The Flowing Bowl – When and What to Drink, 571
  • Schoenhof, Carl (Boston book importer), 287, 292, 297, 306
  • Schofield, J.M., 94, 99
  • School of Arts, Sydney, 1093
  • Schreiner, Olive, 1082, 1151, 1152, 1158, 1160, 1201
  • Schuckers, J.W., 100, 101, 105, 106
  • Schulte, F.J. (publisher), 497
  • Schurz, Carl, 584, 902
  • Schuyler, Philip, 883
  • Schuyver, Charles Van, 184, 186, 189, 194, 196
  • Schwan Hotel, Frankfurt, 711
  • Schweizerhof Hotel, Lucerne, 656
  • Schwob, Marcel, 322
  • Scollard, Clinton
    • On Sunny Shores, 758
    • Under Summer Skies, 676
  • Scolley, John A., 218
  • Scone Advocate, 1093
  • Scone, Australia, 1092, 1093
  • Scots Observer, 469, 537
  • Scott, Dr. (Mayor of Scone, Austr.), 1093
  • Scott, Frank H., 966, 978, 1002, 1006
  • Scott, Frank M., 41, 83, 84, 98, 141, 143, 144, 148, 152, 161, 165, 238, 389, 430, 751, 962, 1216
    • Arrested for embezzling, 144
    • Sentence reduced, 533
  • Scott, Henry W.
    • Distinguished American Lawyers, etc., 571
  • Scott, James Wilmot, 945, 950
  • Scottish Society of Literature and Art, 75, 86
  • Scoville, Samuel, 192
    • A Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, 241
  • Scribner, Charles, 280, 281, 282, 385, 439, 549
  • Scribner’s & Sons, 219, 289, 474, 477
  • Scribner’s Magazine, 283
    • Ran excerpts of Sheridan’s memoirs, 316
  • Scrope, Sydney, 528
  • Scudder, Horace E., 627, 1049
  • Searing, Laura C. Redden, 203
  • Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1042, 1044
  • Seattle Times, 1044
  • Seattle, Wash., 1043
  • See, James W., 177
  • Seeley, John Robert, 1190
  • Seemann, Berthold Carl, 1192
  • Seen From the Saddle by Isa Cabell, 771
  • Seidler & May, 167
  • Selkirk Hall, Winnipeg, 1024
  • Seminary Hall Hartford, 130
  • Senior, F.M. (Illustrator), 970
  • Sentimental Song Book, The by Julia Moore, 1091
  • Sepet, Marius
    • Jeanne d’Arc, 642
  • Serious Reflections and Other Contributions, etc. by Geo. Aberigh-Mackay, 1121
  • Service, James, 1065
  • Settignano, 704, 710, 731, 740, 746, 761, 764
  • Settle, A.D., 619
  • Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner, 1062, 1063
  • Severance family, 1015
  • Seward, Theodore Frelinghuysen, 194, 197
  • Sewing Society, 338
  • Seymour, Australia, 1064
  • Seymour, G. Mr. & Mrs., 1149
  • Shadow of a Dream, The by W.D. Howells, 430, 454
  • Shaffer, J.M., 140
  • Shakespeare Memorial Library, 180
  • Shannon, Effie, 269
  • Sharp, Thomas, 320
  • Sharp, William
    • Flower o’ the Vine, etc., 676
  • Shaw, Albert, 566
  • Shaw, Henry W., 242
  • Shaw, J.A.K., 1093
  • Sheldon, C.W., 555
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 119
  • Shelton, Frederic W., 242
  • Shepard, Augustus D. Mrs., 34
  • Shepherd, O.L., 99
  • Sheridan, Philip H., 18, 50, 82, 88, 93, 94, 96, 282, 283, 315
    • Death of, 294
    • Delivered MS of memoirs, 249
    • Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, 241
    • Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan, 278
    • Signed contract with Webster & Co., 94
  • Sherley, Douglass, 892, 893
  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890, 532
  • Sherman, Frank Dempster, 585
  • Sherman, John, 163
  • Sherman, Stuart P., 1074
  • Sherman, Thomas E., 596, 597
  • Sherman, William Tecumseh, 16, 18, 99, 136, 157, 158, 163, 244, 269, 365, 499, 501, 611
    • Death of, 584, 587
  • Sherwood, E.J., 1093
  • Shideler, Edwin, 537
  • Shields, Thomas F. (Conductor), 552, 555, 557, 611
  • Shillaber, Benjamin P.
    • Death of, 558
  • Shipman family, 809
  • Shipman, Arthur L., 147, 153
  • Shipman, Frank, 809
  • Shipman, Mary C. (Mrs. Nathaniel Shipman),, 809
  • Shipman, May, 866
  • Ships That Pass in the Night by Beatrice Harraden, 877
  • Shoemaker, J.M., 881, 884, 885, 886, 892, 900, 907
  • Short History of the English People, A by John Richard Green, 125
  • Shriver, Edward J., 689
  • Shuffleboard, deck, 1057
  • Shupe, Mr., 253
  • Siegel, Hermann, 1166
  • Sikes, Olive Logan, 80. See also Logan, Olive
  • Sikes, William Wirt, 80
  • Silver City, New Mexico, 21
  • Simeoni (Cardinal), 139
  • Simm’s Cave, 261
  • Simmons (Fire escape Simmons), 874
  • Simmons, E., 612
  • Simmons, Wright F., 479
  • Simms Cave, 459
  • Simonson, Leopold, 253
  • Sims, George Robert, 150
  • Simsbury, Conn., 595
  • Sin (cat), 561
  • Single Tax, 545, 546, 547
  • Single Tax Club of New York, 469
  • Singleberry, Jackson P., 158
  • Sinker & Roberts Investments, 251
  • Sisser, W.H., 698
  • Sisters’ Tragedy, with Other Poems, Lyrical and Dramatic, The by Thomas Aldrich, 587
  • Sixth Avenue Horse-Car Co., 553
  • Sixth Avenue Railroad Co., 555
  • Sixtus
    • A Review of Professor Brigg’s Inaugural Address, 571
    • Progressive Protestantism, 571
  • Sketch (London), 1144, 1156
  • Sketch of the Natural History of Australia, A by F.G. Aflalo, 1194
  • Sketches New and Old, 767
    • Cheap edition, 770
  • Skinner, Otis, 157
  • Skrine, Francis Henry Bennett, 1113, 1126, 1128
    • Gave Sam books, 1128
  • Skrine, Helen Lucy Stewart, 1113
  • Slade, Joseph Alfred (Jack), 1207
    • Hanged, 1209
  • Sladen, Douglas, 739
  • Slater, George, 212
  • Slattery, Martin J. (Cub apprentice), 418, 419
  • Slattery, Rufus, 509
  • Slee family, 60, 61, 716, 820, 824
  • Slee, John D., 61, 819, 825
  • Sloane, William Milligan (Prof.), 609, 610
  • Slote & Co., 6, 177, 188, 454, 465, 764
    • Bankrupt, 457
  • Sluyter, Lizzie Miss, 168
  • Smalley, George Washburn
    • London Letters and Some Other Things, 103
  • Smarr, Samuel, 1204
  • Smedley, William Thomas, 880
  • Smiley, J.B., 312
  • Smith & Co., 51, 696
  • Smith & Pence Lawyers, Chicago, 304
  • Smith (Judge), 802
  • Smith, Arden, 107
  • Smith, Armstrong, 1056
  • Smith, Celestia, 242
  • Smith, Daniel C., 498
  • Smith, Edith Wilder, 328
  • Smith, Elizabeth W., 20
  • Smith, Ella Trabue, 304, 306
  • Smith, Ernest W., 543
  • Smith, Francis Hopkinson, 34, 37, 229, 268, 269, 272, 332, 347, 358, 379, 475, 876, 1144
  • Smith, George W., 303, 304, 319, 320
  • Smith, Gerritt, 880, 881
  • Smith, Goldwin Prof., 779
  • Smith, Helen, 760
  • Smith, Horace J., 769
  • Smith, Joseph P., 557
  • Smith, Kingsland, 305, 381, 456, 461
  • Smith, Lewis M., 89, 701
  • Smith, Normand, 844
  • Smith, Northam & Co., 153, 183, 216, 460, 496
  • Smith, Robert Pearsall, 237
  • Smith, Roswell, 46, 92, 254
  • Smith, Seba, 242
  • Smith, Sidney Dr. (Bombay), 1103, 1109
  • Smith, Solly, 823
  • Smith, Sydney, 325
  • Smith, T.E., 133
  • Smith, Wilder, 328, 737
  • Smith, William, 91, 112, 113, 122, 130, 231, 443, 607
    • History and Antiquities of Pudsey, The, 197
    • Morley: Ancient and Modern, etc., 66
    • Registers of Topcliffe and Morley, The etc., 270
  • Smith, William B., 233
  • Smith, William B. (Dairy). See Wm. B. Smith (Dairy)
  • Smyth, Jerusalem, 164
  • Smythe, Carlyle G., 1013, 1053, 1060, 1067, 1070, 1071, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1079, 1080, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1095, 1098, 1102, 1107, 1108, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1122, 1123, 1125, 1137, 1140, 1145, 1146, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1155, 1159, 1162, 1165
  • Smythe, Robert Sparrow, 971, 972, 974, 988, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1010, 1013, 1053, 1059, 1060, 1064, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1071, 1074, 1080, 1095, 1102, 1165, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1176, 1178
    • Quarantined aboard the CuzcoI, 1071
  • Social Problems by Henry George, 758
  • Society As I Have Found It by Ward McAllister, 500
  • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 84
  • Society of American Friends of Russian Freedom, 619
  • Society of Artists, Dunedin, 1078
  • Society of Collegiate Alumnae, 363, 370
  • Society of Cumberland Army, 275
  • Society of Tennessee Army, 625
  • Society of the Army of the Potomac, 376
  • Soldiers’ Home, Wash. D.C., 257, 260
  • Soldiers’ Monument, Hartford, 74
  • Some Old Puritan Love-letters, etc. by Joseph Twichell, 868
  • Somerville, Edith Anna, 38, 54, 60
  • Songs
    • “Auld Lang Syne”, 1165
    • “By the humping jumping Jesus”, 816
    • “Die Lorelei”, 186
    • “Die Wacht am Rhein”, 186
    • “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”, 1079
    • “Go Down, Moses”, 186
    • “God Save the Queen”, 1165
    • “Gospel Train”, 186
    • “Hanging of Johnny Deever, The”, 880
    • “I know that my Redeemer Lives”, 555
    • “It Causes me to Tremble”, 555
    • “Marching Through Georgia”, 211
    • “Mighty Lak’ a Rose”, 879
    • “Nora McCarty”, 764
    • “Old Folks at Home”, 186
    • “Robin Adair”, Scotch Melody, Lyric by Lady Caroline Keppel, 54
    • “Star Spangled Banner, The”, 1036
    • “Steal Away”, 555
    • “Sweet By and By, The”, 824
    • “There is a Happy Land” by Andrew Young, 19
    • “Three Times Three”, 1165
    • “Waltzing Matilda”, 1094
    • “Wearing of the Green, The”, 485
  • Sons & Daughters of the Am. Revolution, 843
  • Soo Lock, 52
  • Soo Opera House, Sault St. Marie, 1016
  • Sordello by Robert Browning, 1150
  • Sordi, William, 711, 715
  • South Africa: The Cape Colony, Natal, etc. by George Theal, 1082
  • South African Telegraph, 1164
  • South American Congress, 421
  • South Australian Club Hotel, Adelaide, 1068
  • South Australian Register, 1068
  • South Baptist Church, Hartford, 347
  • South Western Hotel, Southampton, 1167, 1172
  • Southampton, England, 107, 812, 887, 896, 898, 902, 912, 913, 914, 916, 925, 926, 927, 938, 939, 940, 976, 982, 983, 987, 989, 990, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1179
  • Southard, George Franklin, 901, 984
  • Southard, M.I., 100, 106
  • Southard, Mr., 926
  • Southern Magazine
    • Reviewed PW, 877
  • Southern N.E. Telephone Co., 157, 218, 249, 577
  • Southern Review, The, 154
  • Soward, G.K., 1096
  • Spalding Hotel, Duluth, 1020
  • Spalding, A.G., 368
  • Spalding, Percy, 1185
  • Sparhawk, E., 610
  • Sparhawk, Frances C., 658
  • Spaulding Reception Committee, 361
  • Spaulding, Clara, 35, 73, 76
  • Married John Stanchfield, 77
  • Spaulding, Harry C., 77
  • Spaulding, Percy, 593
  • Spaulding, Samuel, 222, 539
  • Speaker reviewed CY, 464
  • Speech of Monkeys, in Two Parts, The by R. L. Garner, 676
  • Spencer, John W., 249
  • Spies, August, 225
  • Spinola, Marchesa, 704, 706, 748
  • Spofford, Ainsworth R., 1170
  • Spokane Chronicle, 1037
  • Spokane House, 1036
  • Spokane Spokesman-Review, 1036
  • Spokane, Wash., 1036, 1037
  • Sprague motor, 184
  • Sprague, Frank W., 1095
  • Sprague, Irvin A. Mr. & Mrs., 752
  • Spree (Steamship), 811, 812, 813
  • Spring Valley Coal Co., 233
  • Spring, Edward A., 619
  • Springer, William McKendree
    • Tariff Reform, the Paramount Issue, etc., 676
  • Springfield, Mass., 357
  • Springlake Beach, New Jersey, 83, 84
  • St Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern RR, 553
  • St. Botolph Club, 358
    • Reception, 355, 357
  • St. George’s Church Men’s Club, 848
  • St. Geuix, 647
  • St. James American Church (Florence), 752
  • St. James Hotel, N.Y., 191
  • St. John, Howell W., 465, 466, 470
  • St. John’s Church, E. Hartford, 432
  • St. Joseph, Mo., 1205, 1206
  • St. Joseph’s Hospital, Keokuk, 78
  • St. Louis (Steamship), 1179, 1180
  • St. Louis Daily Constitution-Democrat, 456
  • St. Louis Democrat, 877
  • St. Louis Dispatch, 628
  • St. Louis Globe, 135
  • St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 1192
  • St. Louis Missouri Republican, 1205
  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 378, 634, 665, 671
  • St. Louis Republic, 850, 901
  • St. Louis Republican, 231, 233, 687, 1192
  • St. Nicholas Club, 365
  • St. Nicholas Magazine, 82, 438, 715, 724, 830, 831, 863, 877, 893, 901, 1179
    • “A Wonderful Pair of Slippers”, 474
  • St. Nicholas Society, 883
  • St. Paul and Minneapolis Daily Pioneer Press, 53, 54, 1024
  • St. Paul Dispatch, 1023
  • St. Paul Roller Mill Co., 203, 207, 295, 305, 381, 456, 461, 544, 598, 708
  • St. Paul Roller Mill stock, 301
  • St. Paul, Minn., 52, 53, 456, 1023, 1024
  • St. Pierre de Boef, France, 650
  • St. Stephen’s Hotel, N.Y., 269
  • St. Valentines Night Bazaar, 584
  • Stadelman, S.F., 616
  • Stage Magazine, 665
  • Stalker, Neil, 180, 460, 504, 526, 562
  • Stanchfield family, 910
  • Stanchfield, Alice Spaulding, 77
  • Stanchfield, Clara Spaulding, 183, 416, 417, 419, 427, 428, 431, 716, 718, 725, 1008
    • Gave birth to a baby girl, 183
    • Invested in typesetter, 414
  • Stanchfield, John B. Jr, 77
  • Stanchfield, John Barry, 77, 132, 137, 183, 716, 1050
  • Standard Diggers’ News, 1142
  • Standard Oil Co., 881, 901, 1004, 1111
  • Standard Theatre, Johannesburg, 1142, 1143, 1144
  • Standring, George, 71, 75, 167, 341, 344, 350, 384, 401, 415, 440, 454, 508, 533, 661
    • People’s History of the English Aristocracy, 71
  • Stanley Reception Committee, 540
  • Stanley, Henry M., 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 128, 384, 385, 386, 411, 439, 444, 452, 458, 466, 508, 513, 517, 561, 579, 580, 582, 594, 598, 599, 877, 900, 902, 972, 983, 987
    • Darkest Africa, In, 549
    • Rumored death of, 182
    • Touring US with Pond, 559
  • Stanley, Lady, 110
  • Stanley’s Rear Column, With by John Troup, 400
  • Stanton, Edmund C., 365
  • Stanton, Edwin M., 1210
  • Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 87
    • The Woman’s Bible, 87
  • Staples, Kate, 89
  • Star Hotel, Auckland, 1082, 1084
  • Star Theatre, N.Y., 208, 255
  • Starey, A.B., 381
  • Stark, Edward L., 711
  • Starkweather, H.B.G., 298
  • State Normal School, West Chester, Pa., 342, 643
  • Station Life in New Zealand by Mary Anne Barker, 1086
  • Stationers Board of Trade dinner, 104, 129, 131, 132
  • Stawell News and Pleasant Creek Chronicle, 1070
  • Stawell Times and Wimmera Advertiser, 1070
  • Stawell Town Hall, 1070
  • Stawell, Australia, 1070
  • Stead, William Thomas, 474, 490, 509, 514, 566, 668, 958, 1158
  • Steadfast – The Story of a Saint and a Sinner by Rose Cooke, 335
  • Stedman, Arthur G., 301, 381, 516, 619, 699, 752, 753, 805, 1187
  • Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 46, 117, 138, 139, 150, 165, 215, 242, 316, 317, 339, 359, 360, 365, 370, 377, 378, 389, 390, 436, 449, 454, 501, 516, 585, 673, 752, 805, 834, 836, 1188
    • Opinion of CY, 434
  • Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 295
  • Stephens, Alice (Illustrator), 812
  • Stephens, E.W., 508, 510
  • Stephens, Lou G., 576
  • Stepnyak, Sergei M., 602, 608
  • Sterling, Louise D., 383
  • Stern & Rushmore (Atty.s), 930, 932, 941, 945, 950, 955, 959, 1011, 1012
  • Stern & Rushmore (Attys.), 897, 899, 900
  • Stern, Simon H., 930, 932
  • Sterner, W.E., 1025
  • Steuart, John Alexander, 549
  • Stevens, Ed (Hannibal), 148
  • Stevens, George T. (Eye doctor), 472, 496
  • Stevens, Jenny, 148, 153
  • Stevens, Mr., 82
  • Stevens, N.H., 54
  • Stevenson, Adlai E., 834
  • Stevenson, Robert Louis, 78, 86, 179, 266, 267, 270, 295, 690, 784, 801, 958, 964, 1100, 1159
    • Met SLC in Wash. Sq., 268
    • Samoa letter, 809
  • Stewart, E. (Capt.), 1096
  • Stewart, Fred J., 409
  • Stewart, J.A., 549
  • Stewart, William M., 556, 557, 601, 908
  • Steyn, Maritnus Theunis, 1152
  • Stickney Machine Co., 54, 61
  • Stickney typesetter, 65
  • Stickney, B.C., 547
  • Stillman & Co., 556
  • Stillman House, Cleveland, 1013
  • Stillman, C.L., 518, 526, 534, 602
  • Stirling (young), 1119
  • Stivers, Henry, 732
  • Stockton, Frank R., 1, 158, 219, 242, 259, 317, 595, 807
  • Stoddard, Charles Warren, 26, 539, 545, 610, 614, 618, 654, 777, 780, 1211
  • Stoddard, R.H., 229, 836
  • Stoddard, William O.
    • Inside the White House in War Times, 459
  • Stoker, Bram, 227, 597, 602, 845, 853, 862, 879, 883, 885, 895, 896, 957, 962, 963, 1193, 1198
  • Stokes, Frederick A., 985
  • Stolen White Elephant, The, 330
  • Stone, Bessie, 561
  • Stone, George N. (Atty.), 854, 855, 857, 861, 895
  • Stone, H.C., 691
  • Stone, Mary Tryon, 225
  • Stoningham, Australia, 1095
  • Storey, Moorfield, 536
  • Stories from the Rabbis by Abram Isaacs, 758
  • Störmer (Captain), 776, 793
  • Storrs, M. Dr., 188
  • Story of an African Farm, The by Olive Schreiner, 1082, 1160
  • Story, William Wetmore, 697
  • Stotts, William, 78, 102, 105
  • Stoughton, Mrs., 843
  • Stowe, Calvin Ellis
    • Origin and History of the Books of the Bible, etc., 76
  • Stowe, Charles, 169
  • Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 19, 33, 93, 114, 116, 124, 145, 149, 162, 214, 242, 423, 998, 1027, 1213
    • Death of, 1160, 1161
    • Oldtown Folks, 145
    • Opinion of P&P, 156
    • Poganuc People, 116
    • Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 93
  • Straight, Douglas, 773
  • Strange True Stories of Louisiana by George W. Cable, 462
  • Strange, Mr., 748
  • Straus, Oscar S., 585
  • Stray Leaves from Strange Literatures, etc. by Laficadio Hearn, 91
  • Strike Anywhere Matches, 91
  • Strong, Harriet W. (Mrs. Charles L. Strong), 711
  • Stuart¸ J., 717
  • Study of Hawthorne, A by George Parsons Lathrop, 151
  • Stylographic fountain pen, 75
  • Sud Tirol Hotel, 700
  • Suggestions on Government by Samuel E. Moffett, 984
  • Sullivan, Anne, 1197
  • Sullivan, John L., 874
  • Summers, Joseph, 251
  • Summit Grove Inn, 540, 548, 549
  • Sunny Shores, On by Clinton Scollard, 758
  • Surrogate Magazine, 582
  • Suter, John H., 148
  • Sutro, Adolph, 1078
  • Suva, Fiji, 1058
  • Swan, C.H. Jr., 233
  • Swayne, Col., 690
  • Swedenborg, Emanuel
    • Heaven and Hell, 594
    • Sweet Lavender (Play), 489
  • Swinton, William, 378
  • Swords, J.F., 135, 136
  • Sydney Botanical Garden, 1092
  • Sydney Bulletin, 486, 1066, 1094
    • “Mark Twain and Divine Right”, 480
    • Reviewed CY, 486
  • Sydney Daily Telegraph, 1060, 1094
  • Sydney Evening News, 1060, 1062, 1063
  • Sydney Morning Herald, 1060, 1062, 1063, 1092, 1094
  • Sydney Worker, The, 1061
  • Sydney, Australia, 1060, 1061, 1063, 1064, 1092, 1093
  • Sylvis, T.C. Mrs., 341
  • Symonds, John Addington, 720, 884
  • Sypher & Co., 51, 203