• Valence, France, 651
  • Valentine, J.C., 674
  • Van Aken, Elisha M., 204, 270
  • Van der Merwe, Mrs., 1164
  • Van Dyke, Prof., 905
  • Van Etten, Miss, 842, 909
  • Van Nortwick, William H., 241
  • Van Zandt, George H., 179
  • Van Zandt, Nina, 225
  • Vancouver Daily News-Advertiser, 1051
  • Vancouver Hotel, 1046
  • Vancouver Opera House, 1046
  • Vancouver, B.C., 987, 989, 1046, 1047, 1050, 1051
  • Vanderpoele’s motor, 184
  • Vantine & Co., 51, 191
  • VanVechtin, C.D. Mrs., 250
  • Vassar College, 53, 59, 326
  • Vassar Students’ Aid Society, 898
  • Vatican, 25, 38
  • Vatican Bible, 76
  • Vedder, Elihu, 157, 836
  • Vedder, Henry Clay, 698, 779
  • Venable, William Henry, 871
  • Vendome Hotel, Boston, 40, 41
  • Venice, Italy, 6, 707, 708, 709
  • Vereshchagin, Vasily Vasilyevich (artist), 324
  • Verey, Joseph N. (Courier), 433, 434, 494, 522, 618, 620, 645, 650, 655, 656, 657, 694, 695, 698, 700, 705
  • Vernon, Val. See Beattie, William
  • Vernon, W., 1059
  • Verona, Italy, 798
  • Vicar of Wakefield, The by Oliver Goldsmith, 1091
  • Victoria Club
    • Pietermaritzburg, 1141
  • Victoria Daily Colonist, 1052
  • Victoria Hotel, Cradock, 1160
  • Victoria Hotel, London, 916
  • Victoria Hotel, N.Y., 24, 131, 431
  • Victoria Times, 1052
  • Victoria West Road, S. Africa, 1162
  • Victoria, B.C., 1046, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053
  • Victoria, Queen. See Queen Victoria
  • Victoria’s Esquimalt drydock, 1038
  • Vienne, France, 650
  • Viljoen, A.G. Dr., 1149
  • Villa Augusta Victoria, 712, 713
  • Villa Viviani, 676, 704, 710, 711, 731, 735, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 744, 746, 747, 754, 761, 762, 793, 794, 796, 797, 826, 863
  • Villari, Linda White, 764
  • Villari, Pasquale, 764
  • Villebois, France, 648
  • Vincent, Frank Jr., 352
  • Vinton, Arthur Dudley, 203
  • Vinton, Ellen A., 1074
  • Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl, 658, 659, 663, 688
  • Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 389
  • Virginia City Union, 259
  • Virginia City Weekly Occidental, 1209
  • Virginia City, Nev., 1209
  • Vistas of Hawaii, 698
  • Viti: An Account of a Government Mission, etc. by Berthold Seemann, 1192
  • Viviani, Marchese, 713
  • Vix (horse), 210, 789
  • Vodges, A. W., 99
  • Vollmer, Fritz, 330
  • Von Berlepsch, Baron, 663
  • Von der Planitz, Carl E., 326
  • Von Helmholtz, Hermann, 659
  • von Hillern, Wilhelmine
    • Geier-Wall: A Tale of the Tyrol, 807
  • von Kirschbaum of Posen, 273
  • von Lisigen, F.C.T., 1152
  • Von Marchall, Baron and Barorness, 663
  • Von Oppen, Isabel, 453, 461, 491
  • Von Osterman, F. Siemens, 36, 48, 52
  • von Ranke, Leopold, 1087
  • von Reuss, Furstin, 680
  • von Rottenberg, Franz Dr., 794
  • Von Rottenburg, Baron, 663
  • von Versen, Alice (née Clemens), 663, 682, 702, 831
  • von Versen, Maximillian, 680, 688, 765, 800
    • Death of, 826
  • Von Zedwitz, Baron and Baroness, 663