April 26, 1903 Sunday

April 26, beforeHilary Trent (pseud. of R.M. Manley) wrote to Sam. “I have written a book—naturally, which fact, however, since I am not your enemy need give you no occasion to rejoice. Nor need you grieve, though I am sending you a copy. If I knew of any way of compelling you to read it I would do so, but unless the first few pages have that effect, I can do nothing” [MTP]. Note: her book, Mr. Claghorn’s Daughter by the Ogilvie Publishing Co. (1903). Sam wrote on the top of the letter: “Another of those peculiarly depressing letters—a letter cast in artificially humorous form, whilst no art could make the subject humorous to me / M.T.” See AMT 1: 520n181.3

April 26 Sunday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Clemens, “still in bed—and expect to be a damlong time yet,” wrote to Frank N. Doubleday of Collier’s. He suggested a “6 or 12-volume set (or both” of other books that Harpers had not included in their six-volume set. “Poor as half of the books in the Harper set are, that set paid me $16,000 this last year—seems to me I’d like to have another set out foraging, if Bliss wouldn’t object [MTP]. Note: as if things weren’t complicated enough with two publishers, Sam thought adding a third would bring in more cash.

Sam also replied to Frederick A. Duneka’s Apr. 25.

It is very gratifying indeed, to have you say those things, for I like that tale, too; & between you & me I have long ago wondered why no one seemed able to discover a certain detail of my work which I thought was always pretty glaringly in evidence—simplicity. So far as I remember, this is the first time that that feature has been remarked.

I am still in bed. I shall not be out of it for a week or two yet [MTP].

Sam also replied to Hilary Trent (pseud. of R.M. Manley).

“Naturally I have read your book with a strong interest, because I am in sympathy with its sermon; but independently of that I have read it with interest because of the grace & vigor of your style & because of the attractions of the story as a story. I wish to thank you for sending it to me” [MTP]. Note: Trent’s 1903 Mr. Claghorn’s daughter is the book referred to here. Not in Gribben.

William Dean Howells wrote from N.Y.C. to Sam with another example of what the two men called “mental telegraphy.” Howells received a letter, the hand recognized to be Eweretta Lawrence, Canadian girl who put one of his farces on the London stage. Expecting a royalty check, he opened the letter only to discover it was a love letter written to H. Howells, also in N.Y.C. An hour letter another letter from the same female arrived with a check to him. He closed the letter with: “—How are you, any way?—you old—scratch-gravel” [MTHL 2: 768]. Note: Sam answered on Apr. 29.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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