August 1, 1902 Friday

August 1 Friday – In York Harbor, Maine Sam wrote to Elizaveta N. Malashkina.

Dear Miss Elizabeth. I sent your letter to Paris, to my friend the great pianist Gabrilowitch (if that’s the way he spells his formidable name) & he put it into German for me and returned it. We are summering far from Riverdale, & I haven’t a photograph. But when we go home in October I will get one in New York & Autograph it & send it to you. (I have made a note of it in my note-book). I’ll not forget it [MTP].

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam, enclosing Sidney A. Witherbee’s latest proposition for the Hartford house, which differed from his last offer. The offers involved a new mortgage, bonds, interest, tax payments, necessary repairs, improvments and the like, but did not involve Witherbee’s cash, which Whitmore thought was “tied up at the present” [MTP]. Note: Sam referred this letter, which confused him, to H.H. Rogers on Aug. 2.

John M. Sosey, secretary of the Missouri Press Association wrote Sam of his honorary membership.

Sosey’s letter is not extant but referred to in Sam’s Aug. 6 reply. The resolution reads as follows:

Whereas, Dr. Samuel L. Clemens, better known as “Mark Twain,” was born in Monroe county, learned the printer’s trade in Hannibal, has been an editor, and while he now lives in another state, he is, and always will be a Missourian: therefore be it Resolved. That said Mark Twain be made an honorary life member of the Missouri Press Association.

The ledger books of Chatto & Windus show that 1,500 additional copies of the 3s.6d. edition of The American Claimant were printed, totaling 11,500 [Welland 237; 1904 Financial Files MTP].

Chatto & Windus’ Jan. 1, 1904 statement to Clemens shows 2,000 3s.6d. copies of TS were printed, for a total printed to date of 7,500; also that 1,500 3s.6d. copies of Stolen White Elephant were printed, for a total printed of 4,000 to date; also that 1,500 3s.6d. copies of TS,D were printed, for a total of 8,750 to date [1904 Financials file MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.