August 30 Saturday – In York Harbor, Maine Sam wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore.
I enclose $100.
I am not Brother Joseph—quite the reverse; & I don’t understand Sister Clement. Perhaps her letter was not intended for me.
I am quite willing to pray for her, if she will take all the risks. For this I will charge nothing; but when I insure with [a] fool I must have ecclesiastical rates.
Mrs. Clemens is better, to-day. It is up, one day, & down the next. She is cheerful, to-day—that is an improvement [MTP].
Sam’s notebook “Let Collier seek the Napoleon statute on the Rhone. / [Line separator] / Must be a guaranteed sales No copy to go to / NEW YORK TIMES. / Wrote Harvey Sept 6, reminding him that in London early part of 1900 he & I agreed to amend the Harper contract thus:
All my books to be put on a 5-year limit.
The dramatization clause to be annulled.
Books issued after that conversation to bear 20 % royalty from the start” [NB 45 TS 24].
William Milligan Sloane wrote from Northeast Harbor, Maine to Sam, having just heard about Livy’s illness and their sympathy “goes out to you both….We had a good long talk about you and yours last night with the Huttons” [MTP].