August 3, 1902 Sunday

August 3 Sunday – In York Harbor, Maine Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers, advising him of the letter of Witherbee’s he was sending, and seeking his advice as to the soundness of the deal.

I am mailing you a letter containing a proposition to buy the Hartford house for $50,000 worth of 5% railroad bonds; & I am telegraphing Whitmore to ask for an appointment & go down & get your judgment as to whether the bonds are safe & sound or not. The price ($50,000) is eminently satisfactory.

Won’t you please tell Whitmore what you think, & whether the cash-down part of W.’s proposition should be $5,000 or double that?

The proposer wants possession Oct. 5. We can give it possibly, by dreadful work & crowding, but would much rather it should be a fortnight (Yes, a month later,) if possible, for the emptying of the house will be a good deal of a job for Mrs. Clemens.

If those bonds should happen to be satisfactory it would much gratify [MTHHR 493-4]. Note: Rogers wrote his disapproval of the proposal on Aug. 5. See entry.

Hélène Elisabeth Picard wrote a picture postcard of a lake (Rigi Kanseli) to Sam: “With all good wishes and kindest regards to the C.S. from the F.M.” (Chief Servant; French Member) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.