August 12, 1900 Sunday

August 12 Sunday – At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam wrote a long letter to Frank Fuller in N.Y. on the merits of Plasmon, enclosing two circulars on the product [MTP: Anderson Auction catalog, Nov. 6-7, 1924, No. 1870, Item 83].

Sam also replied to James B. Pond’s latest platform offer of ten nights at $10,000, declining though the offer was “handsome, but it does not seduce. I am out of the field, & am not likely to ever enter it again” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Joe Twichell, with Livy adding “We do hope Harmony is steadily gaining now.”

The Sages & Prof. Fiske & Brander Matthews were out here to tea a week ago, & it was a breath of American air to see them. We furnished them a bright day & comfortable weather—& they used it all up, in their extravagant American way. Since then we have sat by coal fires evenings.

Sam shared settled plans to sail home in October and winter in New York; the Hartford osteopath did not impress him. He then mentioned events in China:

“It is all China, now, & my sympathies are with the Chinese. They have been villainously dealt with by the sceptred thieves of Europe, & I hope they will drive all the foreigners out & keep them out for good. I only wish it; of course I don’t really expect it” [MTP]. Note: Boxer Rebellion (Nov. 2, 1899 – Sept. 7, 1901)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.