August 26 Sunday – Sam’s notebook: “Human Peculiarities as Exhibited in History” [NB 43 TS 25].
Williston Fish wrote to Sam.
In the spring of 1880 [sic] you came to West Point, and aided the celebration of our One Hundred Nights to June. The next day you came over to barracks, and told us stories….Countless times when I have been reading something of yours…I have felt a strong hunch to write you and let you know that I was listening to what you said. I am a hopeless insolvent in the debt I owe you….Well, the word would be a barren promontory without such files as Mark Twain. I wish you would come back to this country and go about so that people could see you [MTP]. Note: Fish, who kept extensive notes of his cadet days, misdated the One Hundredth Night celebration—it was in 1881 [Leon 43].
Sam’s notebook: “Go down to Tilbury & see the Ship. / Rooms 1 & 3 / 4 fares £ 96 / 7 & 9 same rate / Maid £16 on saloon deck. / Wrote Murray I would not allow the Joan of Arc Introduction to be inserted in his book in any form—doctored or otherwise” [NB 43 TS 25].