April 11, 1900 Wednesday

April 11 WednesdaySam’s notebook: “Made Director” [NB 43 TS 8]. Note: of the Plasmon Syndicate.

Paul Kester replied to Sam’s Mar. 24 suggestions:

Your letter reached us on Saturday evening, your postscript has just come. We descended upon Mr. Howells at ten o’clock Sunday night, our first chance, and broke up a gathering of Miss Mildred’s and exhibited your letter in triumph. Mr. Howells seemed quite willing to umpire the arrangement, and as soon as we have gone over the matter with him we will submit our ideas to Mr. Rogers for his opinion and send you the figures at once. My idea would be that a percent of the gross receipts would be the best arrangement, say five percent on the first four thousand, seven-and-a-half percent on the fifth thousand, and ten percent of everything above that amount….We have visions of three or four Tom Sawyer companies passing in triumph over the land and bringing in barrels of money. We think it may prove another Uncle Tom’s Cabin if the play has half the charm of the book [MTHHR 438n1; MTP]. Note: Sam had advised Rogers of a receipts royalty of 20 to 25%. The final terms secured by Rogers in the May 28 contract included a sliding scale of royalties from 6 to 12%.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.