May 27, 1900 Sunday

May 27 SundaySam’s notebook:Go up the Thames? MS of ‘The Death-Wafer[’] to Mr. Denny, (W.H.) Laira, Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey. Telephone 2927 Gerrard. To be returned to me after next Friday” [NB 43 TS 12].

In London, England Sam replied to William Dean Howells, whose incoming letter is lost. Howells was involved in a scheme to invite several authors to collaborate on a short novel for serial publication in American and English newspapers, and had evidently invited Sam to contribute.

I can’t venture to say yes, because the story is not written, & I dasn’t make promises, lest they fail to materialize. I began a story in Sweden last summer which I may possibly finish there this summer, but that won’t do to bank on—I am too uncertain a bird. I like the scheme—I like most new schemes—but I must wait & see how my literary cat jumps. I am under an agreement which would bar me, possibly, until I elect to dissolve it—which I can do when I please.

Mrs. Clemens is strongly inclined to put in a good deal of time gadding around over Sweden & Norway; if this happens—& I fully expect it—I shan’t spill much ink this summer.

We expect to sail for home about the 6th of October. Then we can talk [MTHL 2: 717]. Note: See source n.1 for the full story on the collaboration scheme, which came to naught. Sam referred to his agreement with Harpers to publish all his future books. Sam’s notebook: “Wrote Howells I couldn’t promise a story for the new 25c book scheme. (MS must be furnished Jan. 1)” [NB 43 TS 13].

Sam also wrote to William A. Wilcot, clarifying a previous decline to speak. “Twichell will be able to talk for both of us, & he is young & doesn’t mind traveling” [MTP: Herman Darvick catalog, No. 39, Item 148]. Note: Wilcot not further identified.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.