May 11, 1900 Friday

May 11 Friday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, Sam wrote to Adela M. Goodrich-Freer. At the top of the letter he drew a musical staff and notes, suggesting the nature of the invitation he was replying to (not extant).

“Indeed we shall be very glad to drive out there some afternoon—Mrs. Clemens & I—the daughters stick to their tiresome studies & go nowhere. Would Wednesday May 16 or Friday May 18 be convenient for you?” [MTP]. Note: see also Jan. 11.

Sam also wrote to Frederick J. Hall, who evidently was in England. A previous engagement made a meeting with Hall impossible [MTP: Sotheby’s London catalog, 21-22 July 1992, Item 46].

Sam spoke at Poultney Bigelow’s London house opening [Gribben 70: London Daily Express, May 17, 1900 p.2].

Note: Sam’s notebook: “Poultney Bigelow 10 Elm Park Gardens, S.W. 4 to 7” ; also the following lines are recorded in the NB, likely a draft of words he gave at the event:

Custom, ancient & venerable, holds that bridges, temples & the hearthstone shall not be put to their purposed uses until they shall have been solemnly dedicated thereto by one duly appointed to that office. Therefore, I, having been so appointed, do now, by the authority in me vested, formally pronounce this house open, & consecrated to all the gracious functions of an Anglo-Saxon home—chiefest among which are the peaceful commerce of domestic life & the receiving & welcoming of all who may have & hold the happy privilege of entering within the shelter of its hospitable roof [NB 43 TS 10]. Note: strike-outs omitted.

Insert: Bigelow’s signed sketch of Twain (done sometime during 1900, perhaps at this event.)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.