March 11, 1903 Wednesday

March 11 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to John Hay, Secretary of State.

The next time you are coming to New York please let me know a day or two beforehand—and appoint a meeting-hour & place.

It is something I have been commissioned to say to you, & it is of large importance to you.

Since it is political, you will quite understand by that that I have no axe to grind, we mugwumps being forbidden by our political religion to carry axes [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: “Taking the girls to opera—February strawberries in New Orleans, Adelina Patti” [NB 46 TS 11]. Note: Adelina Patti, born Adela Juana Maria Patti (1843-1919), opera diva, ranked as one of the most famous sopranos in history. Born in Italy, Patti grew up in the Bronx, N.Y. At the peak of her fame, she earned $5,000 a night; her contracts stated she must be top-billed, with her name in the largest type, and she was free to rehearse or not, as she pleased. Besides opera music, she often sang traditional songs, such as “Home Sweet Home.” In 1903 she went on her last tour in the US; it was a critical failure. Patti’s complete surviving recordings were reissued on CD in 1998 by Marston Records. This particular opera Sam referred to was not found, nore why he referenced Patti; she did not return to the US for her farewell tour until Oct. of this year. Perhaps he’d heard her sing in Europe.

From his Mar. 10 NB entry, one of Sam’s 18 surviving notes to the invalid Livy is put to this date, Mar. 11, 1903:

Dear Livy dear, I have been reading that book “A Week in a French Country House” right on top of the “Cabbage Patch,” & my! what a contrast between the richness & brilliancy & finish of the one & the poverty crudeness & vulgarity of the other! It’s an experience! it’s the difference between Emerson & a nigger-show. Which reminds me that the nigger-theatre was very VERY good, last night, & laughed myself weary. Mrs. Mott sent kindest regards & many messages of sympathy. Good-morning my darling, you hadn’t a very restful night, & I am very sorry, good-bye, dear. / Y [MTP]. Note: see the remaining undated notes to Livy under beginning entries for 1903. Ed. Emphasis.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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