May 12 Tuesday – Sam’s notebook: “If God invented the fly, that is enough. It gives us the measure of His character. If a man had invented the fly, we should curse his name forever. And he would deserve it” [NB 46 TS 16].
Henry C. Griffin, attorney, wrote again about details and how to mail tax payments for the Tarrytown house [MTP].
E.L. Johnston wrote from Boston to Sam, interested in his Christian Science articles in the North American Review. Johnston confirmed that Mary Baker Eddy’s picture was indeed in the “Mother’s Room” of the First Church of Christ, Scientist. He made a trip there on May 3 to confirm the fact since in the article it was denied that it was there. “A picture of Mrs Eddy, as that is generally understood is Not there, but a picture of her in a stained glass window, is there. And, if Mr. Phipps is to be believed it was copied from a photograph” [MTP]. Note: this all had to do with accusations of worshipping Mrs. Eddy.