May 3, 1903 Sunday

May 3 Sunday – Sam also wrote to Millard Sewell.

Friend Sewall: —

I am not conscious of any hostility toward Christian Science, nor Mohammedanism, nor Hinduism, nor Judaism, nor Presbyterianism, nor Mormanism, nor Dowieism, nor any other religion. Sincerity of belief makes any religion respect worthy, and certainly the Christian Scientists are sincere. My hostility is all for Mrs. Eddy. I know she never wrote a line of Science and Health, therefore I have no respect for her; her claim is a falsehood, and she is a criminal.

In writing those articles my hope was to prove to the world that the Science is becoming a tremendous power and one to be dreaded. Sewall, I’ve made one convert sure! It’s my publisher. The Harper’s were so frankly frightened at the idea of getting the animosity of the Scientists that I withdrew the book lest they die of their fears. It is a great and comical triumph! It is given to but few scribblers to win such a funny victory as this. And consider the miracle of it: it was done with a pen, not with a boomerang. / Sincerely … [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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