November 3 Monday – Sam’s notebook: “Rehearsal, 10.30 a.m. carry play & check for house money. Tailor, Emery, 246 – 5th ave. ” [NB 45 TS 33]. Note: The play rehearsal was Lee Arthur’s HF, arranged by Dillingham; see Nov. 7 NB and prior entries. The 1900 Biographical directory of the state of New York lists Edwin W. Emery, Tailor at that address in N.Y.C.
Joe Twichell wrote from Hartford to Sam, pasting a clipping at the top of the letter, which Joe claimed proved there were two Mark Twains. The clipping is a quote about determinism, the speaker unnamed but expressing in Twain-like sentiments that he had “ceased to believe in human responsibility.” Joe forgot who the fellow was—he think he got it from the Bookman. Also, Joe had injured his shoulder and could barely write. He was glad the news about Livy wasn’t worse, and wished it were better. Joe took it from what Sam wrote about Jean that her condition may have contributed to Livy’s problems. He’d heard about Sam’s appearance at Princeton from Harry Hopkins, President of Williams College [MTP]. Note: Henry Hopkins (1837-1908), President of Williams College (1902-1908). Hopkins shared Sam’s Nov. 30 birthday, and, like Twichell, served as a chaplain in the Civil War, then as a minister, first in Westfield, Mass. and then until becoming college president, in Kansas City.