January 21 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Robert (not further identified) about a court case, unspecified.
There was a charge against me.
One witness was called.
That witness testified.
That settled it.
Counter testimony not desired.
And not asked for.
Case closed. Verdict rendered.
Isn’t it funny? Doesn’t it dazzle? Do you believe God could beat it for intelligence? Right offhand, I mean, & without calling in help?
Twenty years’ reputation for prompt payment all knocked to rags with one whack from a clerk’s bat!
My butcher would value his clerk’s evidence, but he wouldn’t reason that it covered both sides of the case until he had consulted me. He would argue that a 20-year reputation was a sort of testimony, just by itself. But we can’t always have butchers for Directors [MTP].
Sam’s notebook: “Millionairesses marrying titles. / Why not? / The daily worship of the King by English journals who think it is less vulgar than our worship of money & the people who have it. / The source is the same—it is the mere human worship of power, & envy of the possession of it” [NB 46 TS 7].
John F. Carr wrote from Yonkers, NY to Sam. “The enclosed letter to the ‘Sun’ is a reply to Mrs. Eddy’s recent ‘statement.’ It has been ‘respectfully declined.’ I take the liberty of sending it to you on the chance that you may not be acquainted with the particular facts there stated, and that they may possibly be of use to you. If your second article has not yet produced a copy of ‘Christ and Christmas,’ I think that I could get one for you from a friend” [MTP].
Muriel M. Pears wrote from Mentone, France to Sam. “Of course you do not realize how difficult it is for a mere Human Girl to say thank you adequately for benefits received from One who Dwells in Olympian Heights?” Muriel, the Juggernaut Club member for Scotland, wrote a typically long, chatty, flowery letter about her reading, her travels, and sent best wishes, mentioning Livy’s health [MTP].