January 23 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam replied to Thomas Bailey Aldrich’s Jan 22.
Be Jazes! as Howells says, but I should like it well, to tuck in at 59 & have a thorough & enriching clean-up of the mutual talk-arastras! but be-God! as Mrs. Eddy says, it is not permissible to the unconverted. Mrs.Clemens is making some actual progress, these past two weeks—all of a hair’s-breadth a week, we think—but it will be a long time, yet, before I shall be comfortable an hour’s distance from her. She sits up in bed, now, & latterly I am allowed to see her 15 minutes once a day.
Jean was taken with double-pneumonia Dec. 23 & had a close call for several prodigiously long days & nights, but she has come out of it, & has been on her feet & in her clothes for a week, now, & her mother has never found out there was anything the matter. She has not seen Jean for 4 months, & can’t understand why she can see me & can’t see Jean; but the doctor has admonished her that if she talks anymore talk of that sort for some weeks to come, he will have to stop my visits. And so the poor madam has succumbed, & Jean will leave to-night for Old Point Comfort, to stay there until she is wholly restored & can show herself to her mother without making trouble. Old Katy & a trained nurse are going with her.
Howells will feed here to-morrow night; I wish you were coming [MTP].
Sam also replied to Carl Thalbitzer’s Dec. 28 request. Thalbitzer was the Danish writer who had asked permission to publish one of Sam’s letters.
No, I would rather not have that published. It is not in proper form for publication, and in one or two respects is so incomplete as to carry either confusion or wrong impression.
In one of three books of mine, which are still in manuscript, I have treated the matter in a complete way, and it would not be wise to treat it incompletely now.
I do not know of any Biographical Sketches of myself—and as I have never furnished the material for a work of the kind, I doubt if there has ever been any published [MTP].
Harper & Brothers wrote to Sam about failing to obtain early issues of the Christian Science Journal, likely by Sam’s request. They were able to buy a Christian Science hymnal [MTP].
Sam’s notebook: mention of Shakespeare and George Washington as belonging among mankind’s “giants”; in April he noted Shakespeare’s birthday [Gribben 635]. The full entry: “Washington, Shaks & such—there have been a few dozen. It is like ants measuring themselves by elephants—‘we elephants.’ / Tom Reed: / Chauncey Depew / Wayne MacVeagh / (his squelch of Depew [)] [NB 46 TS 8].