January 3 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote on the top of p. 114 from the Jan. 1903 issue of The Atlantic, “A Song Composed in a Dream” to Susan Crane: Saturday evening.
“We are all doing first-rate, Sue. I talked with Charley. / SLC” [MTP].
Sam also wrote to Joe Twichell on the bottom of Bowen’s Jan. 2 note, then adding more on the left margin on Jan. 4. Sam wrote to Joe of the proof:
Joe, this is the very worst piece of reporting I have ever seen in my life. Be glad you made no speech there.
A dead & damned stenographer could have done better. / Mark …[MTP].
Sam’s notebook: “The offspring of riches: Pride, vanity, ostentation, arrogance, tyranny” [NB 46 TS 4; MTB 1194].
Frank L. Eaton wrote from Ypsilanti, Mich. to Sam in appreciation of LM, and the story “describing crossing that Island 66,” and the lesson of having confidence in one’s knowledge it offered [MTP]. Note: the episode referred to is in Ch. XIII, p. 160 of the original, or in the 1996 Oxford facsimile edition.