November 20 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam replied to David A. Munro of the North American Review who wrote on Nov. 19: “Mr. Franklin’s count may be right but it falls short of my estimate by about 4000 words. Did he count 35 pages of reprint? That much of the reprint has never been published” [MTP].
In N.Y.C. William Dean Howells wrote to Sam, having rec’d a letter from Charles W. Stoddard.
“This has just come, and I am off to Boston for three days. If you will get the letter ready, I will sign it. I am not sure about other names; but I will be glad to stand with you alone” [MTHL 2: 751-2]. Note: Sam was writing a letter petition to Frederick C. Harriott, in behalf of Stoddard.
Sam’s notebook: “Order cat from Davis Collamore (Murray)” [NB 45 TS 34]. Note: Davis Collamore & Co. was a high-end NYC importer of china and glass, rivals of Tiffany & Co. “cat” their catalog?
Susan Crane wrote to Sam.
Beloved Samuel the Holy,
By Clara’s letter received yesterday, it seems as if you, Jean, and Katy, might be able to come to the wedding next week.
If so, I want to engage you to come here as early as you can, and stay as long as you are able, which cannot be very long, I know [MTP]. Note: Sue had a “strange, lonely, lost feeling about” Livy, being ill and unable to come.
Clark B. Wakefield wrote to Sam, having just written Howells a letter of thanks, and now wishing to thank him [MTP]. Note: see Nov. 19 entry.