November 24, 1902 Monday

November 24 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote two notes to Franklin G. Whitmore, the first per Isabel Lyon.

Mr. Clemens asks me to write you to “poke up” Dr. Porter with regard to the property question.

Mrs. Clemens is improving a little daily, and last night was restful and quiet for her. Her “bad nights” do not help her any, but now that the family know they are to be expected, they cease to be so alarming as when they first occurred. Mr. Clemens has not seen her for two months, and the Doctor says it will mean a long slow uphill pull for her.

Mr. Clemens sends love to you and Mrs. Whitmore.

I must tell you how much I like, no—love the duties here, now that Mr. Clemens uses me how and when he will.

Am very happy / Very Sincerely Yours / Isabel Lyon [MTP].

In N.Y.C. William Dean Howells wrote a short note to Sam.

“Poor old Charley Stoddard has written me again; and haven’t you got that letter in shape to send to Harriott? I will gladly sign it at once, and I do not think we need wait for other names” [MTHL 2: 752]. Note: see also

Nov. 16, 19, 20, 26, 1902, and Feb. 28, 1903 from Howells on the Herriott matter.

The New York Times ran a small notice on p.5, “Want Street Named After Mark Twain”

Residents of the Bronx have petitioned the Commission having in charge the opening of streets in that borough to name one of the new thoroughfares in honor of Samuel L. Clemens.

Sam’s notebook:Elmira / Put on the 9.56 train again—it always gets passengers” [NB 45 TS 34].

Richard Burton for Lothrop Publishing, Boston wrote to Sam, to give “a clear explanation of the matter of the Stoddard-Harriott book.” Burton wrote that he preferred to deal directly with authors, but that Harriott had lied about Stoddard being in Europe and unable to handle such affairs. Burton had paid Harriott $400 advance for Stoddard’s MS. He pledged to help Stoddard recover the money. Burton had also heard through the Welch family of Hartford that Livy had improved [MTP].

Sandy McPherson wrote to Sam, sending another “obituary” for the Nov. 15 issue of Harper’s Weekly contest; she’d read that he was offering a prize: “Here lies all that can die / Mark Twain” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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